If you chew the skin of this fruit like this, your heart will become happy, it will say: Mogambo is happy.

Orange peels are often used in cocktails and skincare products. But you will be surprised to know that it is beneficial for the heart. According to research conducted at the University of Florida (UoF), orange peels contain abundant amounts of heart-healthy phytochemicals. How do orange peels prevent heart disease? Due to current poor lifestyle and … Read more

If you feel tired all the time or the pain persists in your left hand, be vigilant.

In the recent past, the number of patients suffering from cardiac arrest has increased rapidly; strokes, heart attacks, blockages or other problems are very common. But people have the impression that cardiac arrest happens suddenly and is not known in advance. But if you keep these little things in mind and do not ignore these … Read more

These five healthy-looking foods can alter the condition of your heart; if consumed excessively, they can be harmful.

Heart patients are advised to follow a healthy diet, but some healthy foods can have an adverse effect on our heart health. If consumed for a long time, it can increase the risk of blockage, heart failure and heart attack. Ghee: Ghee contains good fats which, if consumed in regular quantity, are beneficial for our … Read more

Does heart rate increase after taking a few steps? Is this a sign of illness?

Heart health: To stay healthy, health experts recommend exercises like walking and running. You too should walk or run for a certain amount of time every day. You’ve probably noticed that when you walk or run, your heart rate increases quickly. Some people get nervous about this. If this is seen, it is a normal … Read more

Heart Health: 5-Step Effective Morning Routine to Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Issues

Home Health Heart Health: Effective Five-Step Morning Routine to Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Problems A proper routine helps a lot. Try this easy and effective morning routine to reduce your risk of heart attack amid rising temperatures. What we do every day, every small activity, can impact our health in ways we probably don’t even … Read more

Drinking alcohol on the plane can have bad effects on your heart, if you ignore it too

Alcohol on the plane: Many people like to consume alcohol while traveling by plane. Especially if the trip lasts eight to ten hours or more, people drink alcohol on the plane to pass the time and concentrate. But drinking alcohol on a plane can have bad effects on your heart. A recent research carried out … Read more

Broccoli Benefits: Healthy Digestion to Immunity, 7 Reasons to Add in Your Summer Diet

Home Health Broccoli Benefits: From Healthy Digestion to Immunity, 7 Reasons to Add It to Your Summer Diet Broccoli is like a powerhouse of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Let’s find out if broccoli is the ideal summer vegetable for your diet. Broccoli Benefits: From Healthy Digestion to Immunity, 7 Reasons to Add It to … Read more

Weight Loss to Heart Health, 5 Reason Why You Must Consider Climbing Stairs

Home Health Weight Loss for Heart Health, 5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Climbing Stairs Climbing stairs offers a variety of health benefits. It’s a simple exercise that can become a natural part of your routine. It’s an easy way to stay healthy without working too hard. Let’s discover some benefits of climbing stairs. 5 … Read more