If you chew the skin of this fruit like this, your heart will become happy, it will say: Mogambo is happy.

Orange peels are often used in cocktails and skincare products. But you will be surprised to know that it is beneficial for the heart. According to research conducted at the University of Florida (UoF), orange peels contain abundant amounts of heart-healthy phytochemicals. How do orange peels prevent heart disease? Due to current poor lifestyle and … Read more

Heart Health: 5-Step Effective Morning Routine to Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Issues

Home Health Heart Health: Effective Five-Step Morning Routine to Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Problems A proper routine helps a lot. Try this easy and effective morning routine to reduce your risk of heart attack amid rising temperatures. What we do every day, every small activity, can impact our health in ways we probably don’t even … Read more

सीढ़ियां चढ़ते समय कहीं आप भी तो नहीं महसूस कर रहे ऐसा, जानिए क्या कह रहा आपका दिल

Heart Health: अगर सीढ़ियां चलते समय सांस फूले या पसीना या फिर थकावट आ रहा है तो सावधान हो जाना चाहिए. क्योंकि ये दिल से जुड़ी बीमारियों के संकेत हैं. ऐसे में बिना समय गंवाए तुरंत डॉक्टर के पास जाना चाहिए. एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक, अगर थोड़ी सीढ़ियां चढ़ते ही सीने में दर्द महसूस हो या दिल … Read more

पैरों के दर्द को न करें नजरअंदाज, जानें दिल की बीमारी से क्या है कनेक्शन

पैरों के दर्द को न करें नजरअंदाज, जानें दिल की बीमारी से क्या है कनेक्शन Source link

Flexitarian Diet For Heart Health: How This Semi-Vegetarian Meal Can Lower Cardiovascular Risk?

Home Health Flexitarian Diet For Heart Health: How This Semi-Vegetarian Meal Can Lower Cardiovascular Risk? A flexitarian, or semi-vegetarian, diet is a style of eating that encourages a diet similar to vegetarianism. The difference, however, is that this diet plan allows moderate consumption of meat and other animal products. Flexitarian Diet For Heart Health: How … Read more

Heart Failure Risks: 7 Alarming Causes of Cardiac Arrest For Adults Over 50

Home Health Heart Failure Risks: 7 Alarming Causes of Cardiac Arrest For Adults Over 50 Heart failure is a serious condition that affects millions of adults worldwide, particularly those over the age of 50. Understanding the causes and risk factors associated with the condition is essential for prevention and management. Heart Failure Risks: 7 Alarming … Read more

Heart Failure in Older Adults: 6 Worsening Symptoms That Shouldn’t be Ignored

Home Health Heart Failure in Older Adults: 6 Worsening Symptoms That Shouldn’t be Ignored Heart failure, a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, presents a significant health concern, particularly among older adults. As individuals age, the risk of developing heart failure increa Heart Failure in Older Adults: 6 Worsening Symptoms That Shouldn’t be Ignored Heart failure, … Read more

Christmas 2023: 5 Mindful Drinking Tips to Keep Your Heart Safe During The Holiday Season

Home Health Christmas 2023: 5 Mindful Drinking Tips to Keep Your Heart Safe During The Holiday Season Moderation is the key, especially when indulging in alcoholic beverages during the festive season. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind to ensure a responsible and enjoyable Christmas celebration. Christmas 2023: 5 Mindful Drinking Tips to … Read more