Only medicines cannot be the treatment of high BP, you have to take care of all these

Hypertension Treatment: How to control the problem of BP, it largely depends on what is the actual condition of BP. That is, how high is the BP of a person, what are the reasons for high BP, what is the age of the person, what is his lifestyle and food habits. All these things affect … Read more

Heart Attack among youngsters: 6 alarming lifestyle signs to take as warning signs

You have only one heart. take good care of yourself Photo: iStock Prevention is the best strategy when it comes to ischemic heart disease (IHD), one of the main contributors to the global burden of disease, with devastating consequences in terms of human life and health, writes Dr. Jennifer Chao (MD), a clinical instructor in … Read more

If BP becomes high, this technique gives immediate relief, reduces the risk of heart attack

Cause of High BP: There are many reasons like stress, anger, pollution, other health problems, due to which the problem of high BP is increasing very fast in today’s time. Most people know that when BP is low, sugar salt solution should be taken or something sweet should be eaten immediately. But what to do … Read more

Blood pressure can be reduced even by drinking water! Learn How?

High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure has become a very common problem in modern lifestyle. Patients with high blood pressure need to improve their lifestyle and diet. If you are struggling with high blood pressure, then it is necessary to take care of some important things for this, so that the risk of problems caused … Read more

Can Diabetes And High Blood Pressure Lead to Kidney Failure

A healthy kidney in the human body is responsible for filtering excess fluid and waste from the blood. However, diabetes and high blood pressure can have a significant effect on kidney function and lead to loss of function over time, a medical condition known as chronic kidney disease (CKD).Also read – You need to know … Read more

Exercise keeps your brain young

Exercise reduces the risk of debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease Exercise reduces the risk of debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease The human brain reaches adult size at the age of 10; but their wiring and abilities continue to change throughout life. After the age of 40, the brain begins to shrink. Less blood … Read more

These 5 things to eat are making us sick, a big reason for cancer and sugar

Bad Food For Health: According to the medical reports published in the media, about 20 million people die every year due to diabetes. In our country, the disease of sugar has taken the form of an epidemic. Children are falling prey to it at an early age. The big reason for this is the packets … Read more

High blood pressure has to be controlled, follow these ayurvedic remedies

High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure has to be controlled, follow these ayurvedic remedies. Source link