चिकन, अंडे को कीजिये साइड, प्रोटीन का खज़ाना है ये डाइट, आज से ही एड कर लीजिए ये 5 Protein रिच फ़ूड

चिकन, अंडे को कीजिये साइड, प्रोटीन का खज़ाना है ये डाइट, आज से ही एड कर लीजिए ये 5 Protein रिच फ़ूड

High-Protein Foods: प्रोटीन शरीर के लिए बेहद जरूरी तत्व है. यह शरीर के विकास और कामकाज के लिए आवश्यक है. प्रोटीन वेट लॉस, मसल्स ग्रोथ और रिपेयर करने, एंजाइम बनाने, हार्मोन रेगुलेट करने, इम्यून सिस्टम मजबूत बनाने, शरीर को ऊर्जा देने, बाल और त्वचा को हेल्दी रखने के लिए जरूरी है. एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक, पुरुषों को … Read more

सिर्फ फायदेमंद ही नहीं नुकसानदायक भी है हाई प्रोटीन डाइट, जानिए किसे नहीं लेना चाहिए

सिर्फ फायदेमंद ही नहीं नुकसानदायक भी है हाई प्रोटीन डाइट, जानिए किसे नहीं लेना चाहिए

High Protein Side Effects: प्रोटीन शरीर के लिए बेहद जरूरी पोषक तत्व है. इसके सेवन से मांसपेशियां से लेकर हड्डियों और दांतों को मजबूती मिलती है. किसी भी गंभीर चोट से उबरने में प्रोटीन मदद करता है. यह वजन कंट्रोल तो करता ही है, मोटापे से भी बचाता है. यही कारण है कि डाइट में प्रोटीन … Read more

This tasty recipe made of soya is best for melting fat, you must also try

This tasty recipe made of soya is best for melting fat, you must also try

Soya For Weight Loss: With the growing number of vegetarians, many plant-based sources of protein have been identified in recent times. It contains delicious soy, which is said to contain proteins and several vitamins and minerals that help keep health problems at bay. People who are wondering what they can make from soy, today we … Read more

Frequent hunger, fatigue… these are not diseases, they are indications of its deficiency in the body.

Frequent hunger, fatigue… these are not diseases, they are indications of its deficiency in the body.

High Protein Foods: Every day wakes up in the morning. Get busy. From exercise to job, including business, they do everything according to their physical energy. Energy is spent and regenerated every day. But do you know how our body gets energy? Protein, Vitamin, you must have heard these names. Doctors also say to eat … Read more

Lack of protein can cause malnutrition in children, know which diseases are at risk

Lack of protein can cause malnutrition in children, know which diseases are at risk

Protein For Kids Health: Children have many nutritional requirements such as carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, B, along with foods like calcium, potassium and fiber in their diet should be included. Their deficiency can increase the risk of malnutrition. According to Medical News Today, there are usually no specific symptoms of malnutrition, but sometimes, when the … Read more

The child does not eat pulses and vegetables, fulfill the lack of protein with these things

The child does not eat pulses and vegetables, fulfill the lack of protein with these things

Protein For Health: Often children have a lot of trouble in eating and drinking. Some children do not like the taste of lentils and vegetables at all. No matter how hard they try, they do not eat pulses and vegetables. In such a situation, the mother remains worried about the growth of the child. Protein … Read more