Why does the risk of heart attack increase in women after 40, know the easy way to avoid it

Why does the risk of heart attack increase in women after 40, know the easy way to avoid it

Why does the risk of heart attack increase in women after 40, know the easy way to avoid it. Source link

What should be the platelet count of a normal person? Learn ways to increase

What should be the platelet count of a normal person?  Learn ways to increase

Platelets Count: With the change of season, the chances of getting many types of diseases increase. These diseases include dengue, chikungunya and malaria. These days the cases of dengue are increasing continuously in the country. In dengue fever, the platelet count of a person becomes very low. Apart from this, platelet count can also be … Read more

Easy way to increase hemoglobin, include these things in diet

Easy way to increase hemoglobin, include these things in diet

Improve Hemoglobin: An easy way to increase hemoglobin, include these things in the diet. Source link

Eat this fruit a lot in this season, your body’s immunity will increase for winter

Eat this fruit a lot in this season, your body’s immunity will increase for winter

Benefits of Apple: On off-season apples get Rs 200 to Rs 300 a kg but for the next 1 month the market will be full of apples. Apple season lasts till September and mid-October and if you buy cheaply, you will get 60-70 rupees a kg. If you also want to take advantage of this … Read more

These 4 reasons increase the risk of heart attack in women, recognize the symptoms in time

These 4 reasons increase the risk of heart attack in women, recognize the symptoms in time

Heart Attack Risks: An unhealthy lifestyle and increased stress can increase the risk of heart attack. Blood flow stops in a heart attack. In this condition, blood cannot circulate in the heart. These days the risk of heart attack in women is increasing very fast. According to media reports, the risk of heart attack in … Read more

Keep wife’s attention like this during pregnancy, mutual love will increase and the child will be healthy

Keep wife’s attention like this during pregnancy, mutual love will increase and the child will be healthy

Lookafter tips During Pregnancy: During pregnancy, what a pregnant woman eats, how she lives in the environment, what she feels and what she thinks, all these things have an effect on the child growing in her stomach. This is the reason why some children are very calm and cheerful while some children are irritable and … Read more

Vitamin D deficiency in children due to lack of exposure to sunlight, increase the amount of these things in food

Vitamin D deficiency in children due to lack of exposure to sunlight, increase the amount of these things in food

Vitamin D Rich Food: Nowadays children avoid going out in the sun. At the same time, parents also do not want to let their child stay in the sun for a while. Due to this, there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body of most children. This problem is more dangerous in children … Read more

Drinking 2 cups of black tea daily can increase lifespan, know what research says

Drinking 2 cups of black tea daily can increase lifespan, know what research says

Black Tea: Most of us start our day with tea. Tea is considered a very famous drink. Most people choose tea according to their taste and health. There are many of us who like to drink tea with milk, but many people are very conscious about their health. Most of these people like things like … Read more