सुबह-सुबह शरीर दे ऐसे संकेत तो हो जाएं सावधान !डैमेज हो सकती है किडनी

  Kidney Damage Sign : किडनी शरीर के सबसे अहम अंगों में से एक है. सेहत को दुरुस्त बनाए रखने में इसका अहम योगदान है. आजकल खराब लाइफस्टाइल और अनहेल्दी डाइट की वजह से ज्यादातर लोग किडनी की बीमारी का सामना कर रहे हैं. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स का कहना है कि हमारे खानपान का सीधा असर हमारी … Read more

This serious kidney disease is happening due to increasing heat, these symptoms start appearing on the body

The condition of the people in North India is bad due to the heat. But due to this heat, the condition of the kidney of the people is getting worse. Especially the poor people working as laborers are becoming victims of dehydration. In this disease, most of the laborers are people who work on the … Read more

These three symptoms show that your kidney is sick, identify it in time

Kidney Damage Symptoms: Kidney is a very important part of our body. It works to remove toxic toxins from the body. Doctors say that the healthy diet that we take throughout the day. With that many unhealthy elements enter the body. These elements are so poisonous that if left in the body for a long … Read more

Is kidney fit or unfit? Recognize these symptoms and start treatment immediately.

Kidney Damage Symptoms: Every part has an important role in our body. Like the heart, brain and lungs, our kidneys try to keep the body functioning properly. The UK National Health Services (NHS) said in a report that the work of the kidney is to remove toxic toxins from the body and to remove waste … Read more

Adopt this healthy lifestyle for healthy kidney, take care of these things

Healthy Kidney: To keep the body healthy, it is necessary for every organ to be healthy. When the age increases, many types of problems start happening in the body. Metabolism slows down, causing many problems in the body. This affects the overall health. Sometimes there is an increase in weight, which also affects the heart … Read more

These symptoms are seen when kidney failure, recognize whether your kidney is healthy or not?

Kidney Problem: There are 2 kidneys in our body, which work to clean the blood i.e. to remove toxins. If there is any problem in the kidney, then it affects the whole body. However, the biggest problem is that kidney disease or malfunction is often detected very late. Millions of people around the world are … Read more