Suffering From Kidney Diseases? 5 Super-Foods That You Must Include In Your Diet

A healthy kidney is essential for the elimination of wastes from the food you eat. They are responsible for removing ammonia, protein waste and minerals such as sodium, potassium and phosphorus. If you have kidney disease and need regular dialysis for blood purification, you should be more careful about what you eat. Eating a low-protein … Read more

To keep kidney healthy, then change this habit immediately

Kidney Health: Nowadays people are getting a lot of kidney related diseases. The big reason for this can also be some of our bad habits. Some of our habits have a bad effect on kidney health. The most dangerous habit in this is smoking too much. Smoking affects the blood vessels of the body, which … Read more

Adopt this healthy lifestyle for healthy kidney, take care of these things

Healthy Kidney: To keep the body healthy, it is necessary for every organ to be healthy. When the age increases, many types of problems start happening in the body. Metabolism slows down, causing many problems in the body. This affects the overall health. Sometimes there is an increase in weight, which also affects the heart … Read more

These symptoms are seen when kidney failure, recognize whether your kidney is healthy or not?

Kidney Problem: There are 2 kidneys in our body, which work to clean the blood i.e. to remove toxins. If there is any problem in the kidney, then it affects the whole body. However, the biggest problem is that kidney disease or malfunction is often detected very late. Millions of people around the world are … Read more

Kidney starts giving these signs, when any disease progresses

Healthy Kidey: When your kidneys are working properly, most of your body parts are more likely to be safe. Because the kidney is included in those important organs of the body, which is very important for survival. If any kind of disease starts increasing in the kidney or if any infection starts spreading, then the … Read more

These habits of yours can spoil your kidney

Kidney Health: To stay fit, it is necessary for all the parts of the body to function properly. If there is any problem in any part of the body then it affects the other part. To stay fit, it is important for both your kidneys to be healthy. The kidney takes out the bad things … Read more

Mithlesh Dev Gets Treatment Of Kidney Stone At Rama Super Specialty Hospital – GoMedii

Cases of kidney stones are being heard a lot in the recent past. But do you know that the problem of kidney stone is seen in more men than women. In many cases of kidney stones, people do not feel any symptoms, but there is nothing to worry about, its treatment is easily available. Recently, … Read more

Know which are the best doctors in Delhi for kidney treatment? – GoMedii

Kidneys are one of the major organs of the body and they play an important role in flushing out toxins, normalizing blood pressure and normalizing acid levels in the body. However, when the kidneys do not function normally, the condition is called kidney disease. Kidney disease can be caused by infections, mental or emotional problems, … Read more