Diabetes: Foods and herbs that help control blood sugar level

Image Source : FREEPIK Foods and herds to control diabetes Diabetes is one of the major threats that people are facing today across the globe. According to the International Diabetes Federation, approximately 537 million adults, aged between 20 and 79, are affected by this lifestyle disease. While diabetes can be controlled with medication or insulin, … Read more

Neither cholesterol will be high nor sugar level will increase, dill leaves control them with great love.

Benefits of Dill Leaves: Diseases like high cholesterol and diabetes are called silent killers. Both these diseases attack the body with such silence that they are not detected at the initial stage. By the time their symptoms start appearing, it is too late. Therefore, the easiest way to avoid these diseases is healthy lifestyle and … Read more

Bones weaken due to low estrogen level, this can be saved

Estrogen Level: Along with keeping the reproductive system of women healthy, a hormone has an important role in bringing about changes in their body and its name is estrogen. Estrogen plays a variety of roles, such as this hormone maintains heart function, bone health. Due to its deficiency, women have to face many problems. You … Read more

If you are troubled by the rising sugar level, then eat just one cucumber throughout the day, there will be many benefits

Diabetes Diet: Nowadays the increasing number of diabetic patients remains a matter of concern. In such a situation, diabetic patients need to pay a lot of attention to their diet. If such a person, who is suffering from diabetes, is careless in eating, then it can prove fatal for him. Actually, controlling blood sugar level … Read more

Know what is the high borderline of cholesterol level, how much cholesterol should be in a healthy person

Cholesterol Level For Healthy Person: There are two types of cholesterol in our body, good and bad. Its right balance is essential. However, sometimes due to negligence in eating and drinking or any other reason, the amount of cholesterol in the blood becomes very high. This is the reason why cholesterol is considered a silent … Read more

Niacin is very important for skin and brain, know how to maintain its level in the body

Benefits of Vitamin B3: To keep your skin glowing and mind cool, balance is needed in food and lifestyle. Even after maintaining this balance, you may experience skin dullness and mental fatigue due to lack of some essential nutrients. One such essential nutrient is niacin. Most people know it by the name of Vitamin-B3. There … Read more

A lean body can drop the confident level, eating banana in this way will make the body shapely

Weight Gain Tips: A lean slender body affects our confidence level. In such a situation, it is very important to make the body shapely. If your body is very weak and lean-know, then for this you need to pay attention to your diet. Especially you should include such fruits in your diet, which can make … Read more

Aak Leaves: By applying this leaf on the soles of the feet, the sugar level of the diabetic patient will be controlled,

Other Plants: To reduce sugar, diabetic patients can include okra, fenugreek, jamun, cinnamon, red chilli, basil, shilajit and bay leaves in their lifestyle to reduce sugar. , Source link