5 Signs of Liver Damage Visible at Night, Know When to Be Alert

5 Signs of Liver Damage Visible at Night, Know When to Be Alert

Signs of liver damage : Today, the lifestyle is becoming very bad. Which affects the body. Bad eating habits, disturbances in the sleep-wake rhythm and habits like smoking are harmful to health. The risk of liver damage also results from this. Cases of liver damage are revealed every day. Doctors say that if liver symptoms … Read more

Leave the cows, buffaloes and goats, drink camel milk, these problems will disappear.

Leave the cows, buffaloes and goats, drink camel milk, these problems will disappear.

Tell everyone, everyone advises to drink cow-buffalo milk for health. If someone asks to drink low-fat milk, they are asked to drink goat milk, but if you drink camel milk, many problems of your body will disappear completely. Let us tell you about the qualities of camel milk. What’s in camel milk? Now the question … Read more

One in three Indians is suffering from this dangerous disease, do it immediately or else…

One in three Indians is suffering from this dangerous disease, do it immediately or else…

Foie gras in India: Fatty liver disease is a very dangerous disease. Many dangerous diseases can occur due to it. This disease is spreading rapidly in India. One in three Indians suffers from fatty liver disease. Recently, Union Minister of State Dr. Jitendra Singh said this in a conference. Experts say that nonalcoholic fatty liver … Read more

If You Want to Reduce Your Body’s Bad Cholesterol, Eat These 5 Superfoods – GoMedii | 5 Super Foods to Lower Cholesterol in Hindi

If You Want to Reduce Your Body’s Bad Cholesterol, Eat These 5 Superfoods – GoMedii |  5 Super Foods to Lower Cholesterol in Hindi

Cholesterol is a fatty element produced by the liver. These are of two types: good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. It is useful for the proper functioning of the body. It is also necessary for the body, but its excessive amount increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. To deal with these problems, people also … Read more

From pimples to swelling, these signs of liver damage are visible on the face and neck, check today.

From pimples to swelling, these signs of liver damage are visible on the face and neck, check today.

Symptoms of liver damage: Liver is an important organ of our body which if it does not function properly, toxins start accumulating in the blood and can lead to many problems like liver damage, liver failure. In such a situation, it is necessary for the liver to function properly to remove toxins from the body … Read more

Know how dangerous liver cancer is, what its symptoms are, and how to prevent it.

Know how dangerous liver cancer is, what its symptoms are, and how to prevent it.

Liver cancer: Liver cancer is a very dangerous and fatal disease. This increases the concern of the whole world. Many such cases are also observed in India. According to health experts, the ratio of liver cancer cases in India between men and women is 4:1. In 1 lakh men, the risk of this cancer is … Read more

शराब ही नहीं ये चीजें भी खराब कर सकती हैं आपका लिवर, आज ही हो जाएं अलर्ट

शराब ही नहीं ये चीजें भी खराब कर सकती हैं आपका लिवर, आज ही हो जाएं अलर्ट

सेहतमंद रहने के लिए हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट एक हैल्दी लिवर(Liver Health) की वकालत करते आए हैं. हैल्दी लिवर आपके पूरे शरीर की सेहत को संभाल कर रखता है लेकिन खराब लिवर अपने साथ साथ दूसरी कई परेशानियों का सबब बन जाता है. ऐसे में अक्सर कहा जाता है कि ज्यादा शराब पीने से लिवर पर बुरा … Read more

सभी सीफूड्स हेल्दी नहीं होते हैं! कुछ के खाने के बाद शरीर में होते हैं केमिकल्स रिएक्शन: स्टडी

सभी सीफूड्स हेल्दी नहीं होते हैं! कुछ के खाने के बाद शरीर में होते हैं केमिकल्स रिएक्शन: स्टडी

<p style="text-align: justify;">एक स्टडी के मुताबिक आजकल के समुद्र दिन पर दिन गंदे होते जा रहे हैं. समुद्र में औद्योगिक रसायनों का भरमार हो गया है. ऐसी स्थिति में हद से ज्यादा सीफूड्स खाना सेहत के लिए काफी ज्यादा खतरनाक हो सकता है. प्रति- और पॉली-फ्लोरोएल्किल पदार्थ (पीएफएएस) कहा जाता है. यह ऐसे केमिकल होते … Read more