Amla pickle is a superfood for the winter season, do you know how to eat it?

Amla pickle is a superfood for the winter season, do you know how to eat it?

Amla pickle is a superfood for the winter season, do you know how to eat it? Source link

Amla is beneficial for hair down to the stomach, eat it this way during the cold season.

Amla is beneficial for hair down to the stomach, eat it this way during the cold season.

Winters are almost here and if you live in or near the country’s capital. So you know very well that winter also brings with it pollution. The cold air is accompanied by a haze of smoke. What people are not prepared for, but as a result, their way of life is greatly affected. Many health … Read more

These are the major disadvantages of consuming spicy foods daily as it affects health immensely.

These are the major disadvantages of consuming spicy foods daily as it affects health immensely.

Eating spicy foods can lead to certain health problems. Eating spicy foods can cause stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea and digestive problems. Especially for people who often have digestive problems. Eating spicy foods can cause headaches, chest pain and difficulty breathing. People who are not used to eating spicy foods. Those who have gastrointestinal issues or … Read more

Eating food at the right time reduces the risk of diabetes, the study found its usefulness.

Eating food at the right time reduces the risk of diabetes, the study found its usefulness.

Diabetes and sleep: Diabetes is a lifestyle disease in which one must be very careful about their eating habits. WHO figures indicate that 422 million people worldwide have diabetes. Research has shown that if meal timings are taken care of, the risk of diabetes can be reduced and metabolic health can be strengthened. Eating at … Read more

How long before eating should you drink water?

How long before eating should you drink water?

Drinking water 30 minutes before eating contributes to good digestion. At the same time, it helps a lot to lose weight. If you drink water half an hour before eating, it contributes to good production of saliva and gastric juice in the body. Which helps to digest food. Thanks to this, you eat fewer calories. … Read more

Could your penchant for junk food be not only your habit but also a conspiracy of these planets?

Could your penchant for junk food be not only your habit but also a conspiracy of these planets?

Astrology: Following the opinion issued by the UGC, discussions have resumed regarding junk food. But do you know that in astrological texts, certain planets have been mentioned which not only make a person eat unhealthy food, i.e. junk food, but also make him addicted. According to the ICMR report 2020-2023, the disease graph in India … Read more

पेटभर खाने के बाद कभी न करें 3 काम, वरना दिक्कतों से हो जाएगा सामना

पेटभर खाने के बाद कभी न करें 3 काम, वरना दिक्कतों से हो जाएगा सामना

<div dir="auto" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Diet Tips:&nbsp;</strong>फिट एंड फाइन रहने के लिए कुछ आदतों को बदलने की जरूरत होती है. हेल्दी लाइफस्टाइल फॉलो करने से कई तरह की दिक्कतें खुद ब खुद दूर हो जाती हैं. ऐसी ही हैबिट्स खाने को लेकर भी हैं. दरअसल, ब्रेकफास्ट, लंच या डिनर हमारे शरीर के लिए बेहद महत्वपूर्ण होते हैं. … Read more

क्या हर बार खाना खाने के बाद आप भी पीते हैं ग्रीन टी? जान लें ये सही है या गलत

क्या हर बार खाना खाने के बाद आप भी पीते हैं ग्रीन टी? जान लें ये सही है या गलत

Green Tea: ग्रीन टी एक ऐसी सुपर ड्रिंक है, जो हमारे इम्यून सिस्टम के लिए किसी अमृत से कम नहीं है. ना यह सिर्फ वजन घटाने में फायदेमंद होती है, बल्कि ग्रीन टी पीने से कोलेस्ट्रॉल और पुरानी से पुरानी बीमारियों को कम करने में मदद मिलती है. लेकिन कई लोग हेल्दी समझ कर ग्रीन टी … Read more