Mental health : 6 simple and effective ways to maintain healthy well being at work

Mental health : 6 simple and effective ways to maintain healthy well being at work

Home Health World Mental Health Day 2024: 6 simple and effective ways to maintain healthy well-being at work Mental health in the workplace has recently been the center of conversation. Below are some simple and easy strategies to adopt and strive to maintain healthy well-being in office as well. Mental health in the workplace is … Read more

बच्चों में यह बदलाव संकेत देते हैं कि वह है डिप्रेशन के शिकार, जानें इसे कैसे समझें?

बच्चों में यह बदलाव संकेत देते हैं कि वह है डिप्रेशन के शिकार, जानें इसे कैसे समझें?

<p><strong>World Mental Health Day 2023:&nbsp;</strong> बच्चों में डिप्रेशन एक गंभीर समस्या के रूप में उभ रहा है. डिप्रेशन के मामले बच्चों में तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं. कई अध्ययनों से पता चला है कि पिछले कुछ वर्षों में बच्चों व किशोरों में डिप्रेशन के मामले दोगुने से भी ज्यादा हो गए हैं. 10 से 14 … Read more

एक-दूसरे से कितने अलग हैं स्ट्रेस, एंग्जाइटी और डिप्रेशन, जानें तीनों मेंटल कंडीशन के बीच अंतर

एक-दूसरे से कितने अलग हैं स्ट्रेस, एंग्जाइटी और डिप्रेशन, जानें तीनों मेंटल कंडीशन के बीच अंतर

स्ट्रेस (Stress) :स्ट्रेस को हम नॉर्मल भाषा में तनाव कहते हैं. यह परिस्थिति के हिसाब से हो सकती हैं. तनाव, इमोशन और फिजिकल प्रॉब्लम्स की वजह से भी हो सकता है. सरल शब्दों में समझें तो किसी चीज का प्रेशर और खतरा महसूस होने पर जो प्रतिक्रिया होती है, उसे तनाव या स्ट्रेस कहते हैं. … Read more

World Mental Health Day 2023: What is Burnout? 5 Signs to Identify Stress at Work

World Mental Health Day 2023: What is Burnout? 5 Signs to Identify Stress at Work

Home Health World Mental Health Day 2023: What Exactly is Burnout? 5 Signs to Identify Stress at Work Burnout is a real thing and it can severely impact ones overall health. How to identify when a person is feeling burned out? Here are few signs and symptoms and ways to cope with it. World Mental … Read more

Mental-Health Days Are Only a Band-Aid for Burnout

Mental-Health Days Are Only a Band-Aid for Burnout

Two and a half years after the pandemic, exhaustion it’s still here it’s said to be widespread in all industries such as medicine, teaching and child care; by some measurementswork stress has just increased even when daily routines seem more “normal”. to cope, American people-especially younger generations— are resorting to “mental health day”: an occasional … Read more

Feeling Sad, Demotivated, Neglected At Workplace? Then You Must Read This

Feeling Sad, Demotivated, Neglected At Workplace? Then You Must Read This

Depression in the workplace: All of you must have felt sadness and despair at some point while working. Maybe you’ve even had to cry at some point. But there are many people in the world who face these problems on a regular basis. They feel sadness, anxiety, lack of motivation and cry in the workplace … Read more

Priyanshu Painyuli: Whether You’re From Film Industry Or Not, Everybody Today Faces Mental Health Issues

Priyanshu Painyuli: Whether You’re From Film Industry Or Not, Everybody Today Faces Mental Health Issues

People around the world celebrated World Mental Health Day on October 10. The day is kept to emphasize the importance of mental health. It also raises awareness among people about the evils of not having healthy mental health. Priyanshu Painyuli talks to Prateek Sur about her ordeal with mental health, how people in show business … Read more

Navigating mental health issues at workplace

Navigating mental health issues at workplace

Mental health had come into the spotlight in the wake of the pandemic, which also highlighted gaps in treatment globally. Furthermore, it created a global crisis, fueling short- and long-term anxieties, fears and sorrows. The agenda of observing mental health day every year was to raise awareness each year and reduce stigma around mental health. … Read more