Silent cancer captures the body in this way, identify the symptoms like this

Silent Cancers: Most of the symptoms of cancer are not visible in the beginning and that is why people start taking stomach pain or back pain lightly, although it is not that every pain in stomach and back can be the beginning of cancer. But then you need to be careful. Suffering from any problem … Read more

Do not ignore these initial symptoms of oral cancer considering it as a minor disease.

Oral Cancer Symptoms: Disease like cancer kills half of the people who eat tobacco. There are many forms in which tobacco is used such as cigarettes, e-cigarettes, pipes, cigars and chewing (smokeless) tobacco. Tobacco use and heavy alcohol consumption are the main causes of cancer in developing countries. More than 80% of cancer cases in … Read more

Neck Fat: This exercise is best to make the neck shapely

Reduce Neck Fat Exercise: This exercise is best to make the neck shapely, in growing age, you can get neck like a jug. Source link

Try this remedy in case of neck stiffness, you will get instant relief

Stiff Neck: If there is a problem of stiffness in the neck, then you have trouble walking and rotating the neck. Along with this, your everyday life is affected due to this problem. Many people hear a crackling sound when they turn their heads. If you are constantly troubled by neck stiffness, then you can … Read more

If you want to get rid of the pain of neck, waist and legs then do these yogasanas

Yogasan For Neck And Back: Since the beginning of the work from home culture, people are often complaining of pain in the waist, neck and legs due to the habit of doing all the work sitting at home for hours. By the way, this problem has also been seen often in people working for hours … Read more

There may be a problem of rashes on the neck of a small child in the rain, get relief from these measures

Neck Rashes In Babies: It is quite common for children to have rashes. Children are more prone to rashes, especially in monsoons. The reason for this is that the soft skin of babies is unable to tolerate heat and humidity for a long time, due to which rashes start on their neck and back. If … Read more