Try these home remedies to get rid of neck pain

Health Tips: Whether you have to work sitting in front of the laptop for hours in the office or sitting in the same posture in front of the system in work from home. Because of this, the problem of back pain and neck sprain is increasing rapidly. So if you are also troubled by the … Read more

Do you also use the phone by bending your neck? There may be a risk of text neck syndrome

Text Neck Syndrome: Do you also have shoulder pain or neck pain from using a mobile phone or working on a laptop? If this is happening then it is a danger bell for you. Due to using more mobile phones, you are gradually becoming a victim of text neck syndrome. Will know what is this … Read more

Best Yoga For Neck Pain: If there is pain in the neck and shoulder, then get rid of these yoga

Best Yoga For Neck Pain: Sleeping gives peace to the body. However, sometimes, pain is felt in the neck and shoulders after waking up from sleep. This can either be due to an awkward angle of the neck or head which can put stress and strain on the ligaments, muscles and joints or a sudden … Read more

Try this remedy in case of neck stiffness, you will get instant relief

Stiff Neck: If there is a problem of stiffness in the neck, then you have trouble walking and rotating the neck. Along with this, your everyday life is affected due to this problem. Many people hear a crackling sound when they turn their heads. If you are constantly troubled by neck stiffness, then you can … Read more

This pain hurts the people of desk jobs, these are the preventive measures

Cause of Cervical Pain: Cervical pain, a pain that starts from the neck and mainly it is neck pain. But when its condition becomes serious, it occurs in the whole hand through the shoulder (Shoulder pain). It can also reach to the fingers and can take possession of the area from the shoulder down to … Read more