Do you suffer from hemorrhoids? Try These Ayurvedic Home Remedies and You Will Get Instant Relief

Do you suffer from hemorrhoids? Try These Ayurvedic Home Remedies and You Will Get Instant Relief

Piles: Do you suffer from hemorrhoids? Try These Ayurvedic Home Remedies and You Will Get Instant Relief Source link

You can lose weight even without gym or diet, start eating these fruits today.

You can lose weight even without gym or diet, start eating these fruits today.

Papaya for weight loss: Nowadays, due to poor eating habits and lifestyle, weight gain and obesity have become a common problem. As a result, the stomach is bulging, which makes the personality ugly. This is the reason why people try every trick to lose weight. He spends many hours sweating at the gym and dieting. … Read more

Eat these 5 fruits during dengue fever, platelet count will increase immediately.

Eat these 5 fruits during dengue fever, platelet count will increase immediately.

Dengue fever is considered very dangerous. Due to dengue fever, platelets begin to decrease in the body, which causes weakness. There is a constant urge to vomit, fever and headache. Due to this, the condition of the whole body begins to deteriorate. To recover quickly from dengue fever, one should pay special attention to their … Read more

Eating papaya, chasing away illnesses…5 surprising benefits of this yellow fruit

Eating papaya, chasing away illnesses…5 surprising benefits of this yellow fruit

If you are suffering from stomach problems during the summer season, eating papaya can be beneficial (Benefits of Papaya). It is a very cheap and easily available fruit. Stomach problems disappear just by consuming it. Many other nutrients are also found in this fiber-rich fruit. It eliminates stomach related problems. Let us know 5 amazing … Read more

These fruits can harm the mother and child during pregnancy, know why it is forbidden to eat them

These fruits can harm the mother and child during pregnancy, know why it is forbidden to eat them

Fruits to avoid during pregnancy: Fruits are very beneficial for health and should definitely be included in your diet. You may have heard people say this often, but during pregnancy, certain fruits can cause more harm than benefit. When it comes to diet during pregnancy, every pregnant woman does her best to include only healthy … Read more

वजन कम करने का टारगेट है तो रोज खाइए पपीता, हफ्ते भर में दो किलो घट जाएगा वेट

वजन कम करने का टारगेट है तो रोज खाइए पपीता, हफ्ते भर में दो किलो घट जाएगा वेट

वजन कम करने का टारगेट है तो रोज खाइए पपीता, हफ्ते भर में दो किलो घट जाएगा वेट Source link

वजन घटाने के लिए अब नहीं पड़ेगी जिम जाने की जरूरत, पपीता ही कर देगा फैट का काम तमाम, जानिए कैसे

वजन घटाने के लिए अब नहीं पड़ेगी जिम जाने की जरूरत, पपीता ही कर देगा फैट का काम तमाम, जानिए कैसे

Papaya For Weight Loss : आजकल खराब खानपान और लाइफस्टाइल की वजह से वजन बढ़ना और मोटापा आम समस्या बन चुकी है. इसकी वजह से तोंद बाहर निकल आता है, जो पर्सनालिटी को भद्दा बनाता है. यही कारण है कि वजन कम करने लोग हर तरकीब आजमाते हैं. कई-कई घंटे जिम में पसीना बहाते हैं, डाइटिंग … Read more