Self Care Month: Feeling Low Too Often? These Lifestyle Habits to Restore Inner Harmony

Self Care Month: Feeling Low Too Often? These Lifestyle Habits to Restore Inner Harmony

Home Health Self-Care Month: Do you feel depressed too often? These lifestyle habits to restore inner harmony The stomach churning at the slightest sensation of stress causes anxiety. In an attempt to get through difficult times, self-care techniques can help restore a sense of calm. The WHO commemorates a month of self-care (Freepik) Self-care: These … Read more

रोज नहाना या सप्ताह में कभी-कभी क्या सही है, जानें एक्सपर्ट के अनुसार

रोज नहाना या सप्ताह में कभी-कभी क्या सही है, जानें एक्सपर्ट के अनुसार

रोज नहाना या सप्ताह में कभी-कभी क्या सही है, जानें एक्सपर्ट के अनुसार Source link

रोज नहाना ज्यादा अच्छा होता है, हफ्ते में या कुछ दिन पर? एक्सपर्ट से समझिए

रोज नहाना ज्यादा अच्छा होता है, हफ्ते में या कुछ दिन पर? एक्सपर्ट से समझिए

<p style="text-align: left;">क्या रोज नहाना बेहतर है या हफ्ते में ? यह सवाल हम में से बहुतों के मन में होता है. नहाने की आदतें व्यक्ति की लाइफस्टाइल, एक्टिविटी और यहां तक कि मौसम पर भी निर्भर करती हैं. कुछ लोग मानते हैं कि रोज नहाने से ताजगी और सफाई बनी रहती है, जबकि अन्य … Read more

World Health Day 2023: Importance of Self-Care For Your Mental Health

World Health Day 2023: Importance of Self-Care For Your Mental Health

Home Health World Health Day 2023: Importance of Self-Care for your Mental Health | 10 tips World Health Day 2023: Why is it important to take care of your mental health? | 10 Tips to work on your mental health. World Health Day 2023: Importance of Self-Care for your Mental Health | 10 tips World … Read more

Easy ways to improve your mental health as an entrepreneur

Easy ways to improve your mental health as an entrepreneur

ByZarafshan ShirazDelhi Healthy Lifestyle options have immense advantages such as a reduced risk of chronic diseases and increased longevity that’s why, self care Activities or instilling a habit to feel good or happy emotionally, physically and mentally should be done regularly or become part of the routine. Self-care can include avoiding habits that affect mood … Read more

How L’Oreal Is Making Mental Health Resources More Accessible

How L’Oreal Is Making Mental Health Resources More Accessible

Personal care is all about taking care of the body and the mind – this makeup brand focuses on the latter. In recent years there have been some groundbreaking developments in publicly acknowledging the need to prioritize mental health. Spending a year or more at home thanks to Covid-19 protocols served as a catalyst for … Read more

Easy tips to care for mental health

Easy tips to care for mental health

There are never any simple solutions or answers to mental health challenges, this is especially true for suicide. Those contemplating ending their lives often find themselves on an emotionally draining and isolated precipice of a mental health crisis, from which they see no way out. Therefore, one of the most important aspects of our life … Read more

World Mental Health Day 2022: 7 daily rituals that can refresh and rejuvenate you every single day

World Mental Health Day 2022: 7 daily rituals that can refresh and rejuvenate you every single day

World Mental Health Day 2022: Do you often wake up feeling bored and exhausted and endless cups of tea and coffee only make your mood worse? You’re not alone. Daily stress builds up over a period of time and excessive screen time combined with a lack of quality sleep could literally wreak havoc on our … Read more