पेशाब करने के तुरंत बाद शरीर में दिखाई दें ये लक्षण, तो समझ जाएं कि आपको ‘प्रोटेस्ट कैंसर’ है

पेशाब करने के तुरंत बाद शरीर में दिखाई दें ये लक्षण, तो समझ जाएं कि आपको ‘प्रोटेस्ट कैंसर’ है

How To Detect Prostate Cancer: प्रोस्टेट कैंसर पुरुषों में होने वाला एक खतरनाक कैंसर है, जिसका समय पर पता लगाना बहुत जरूरी है. क्योंकि देरी से पता चलने पर इलाज से बेहतर होने की संभावना बहुत कम हो जाती है. बार-बार पेशाब आने की दिक्कत को प्रोस्टेट कैंसर का लक्षण माना जाता है. इसके अलावा, … Read more

This cancer is the most dangerous and deadly, if you are not careful in time, then you can die

This cancer is the most dangerous and deadly, if you are not careful in time, then you can die

Lung Cancer : Cancer is the world’s most dangerous deadly disease. Even though today its treatment has become much easier than before, but even today millions of people are dying every year due to this disease. Breast and ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men are considered to be the most dangerous but … Read more

If you catch these changes in urine on time, you can avoid this serious disease.

If you catch these changes in urine on time, you can avoid this serious disease.

Signs Of Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is a cancer that can be found in one out of seven men. It is evident from the name of this cancer that it occurs in the prostate gland. This is a gland that is below the bladder and behind the genital organ. Cancer can develop with tumors in … Read more

… So because of this ‘prostate cancer’ happens, if this problem is in the body then contact the doctor immediately.

… So because of this ‘prostate cancer’ happens, if this problem is in the body then contact the doctor immediately.

Prostate Cancer: Due to the changes in lifestyle and increasing obesity in India, the risk of cancer is increasing. Prostate cancer is one of the major cancer in India. It is believed that every year many people fall prey to it. Now the question is what is this prostate cancer and what causes it. Along … Read more

If these 4 symptoms are seen in penis, then be careful immediately, there may be a danger of serious illness

If these 4 symptoms are seen in penis, then be careful immediately, there may be a danger of serious illness

Healthy Penis Signs: It is not necessary only for women to take care of their vaginal health. It is equally important for men to do this. Staying healthy of both penile and testicular is important for the overall health of the body. Because any problem related to this can harm your entire health. This is … Read more

How to reduce the risk of prostate cancer? Include these 6 healthy foods in your diet

How to reduce the risk of prostate cancer?  Include these 6 healthy foods in your diet

Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is one such dangerous disease that affects men. Nowadays the risk of this deadly cancer is increasing in men. The risk of prostate cancer in men increases with age. Many people fall prey to it due to genetic reasons, while in some men it may be due to high fat diet. … Read more

Prediction algorithm can help target men at greatest risk of prostate cancer risk: Study – ET HealthWorld

Prediction algorithm can help target men at greatest risk of prostate cancer risk: Study – ET HealthWorld

Washington (US): A comprehensive tool for predicting an individual’s developmental risk Prostate cancer Created by Cambridge scientists. They say this could help ensure that people at highest risk get the right test while reducing unnecessary — and potentially invasive — testing for people at very low risk. can risk-prostate, developed by researchers at the University … Read more

Yoga for Prostate Cancer: Best Yoga exercises to combat prostate growth in men

Yoga for Prostate Cancer: Best Yoga exercises to combat prostate growth in men

just in the male reproductive system It is the prostate, a small endocrine gland that is located between the penis and the bladder, near the urethra. This muscular gland aids in the production of semen, and its distinctive muscular composition allows it to stimulate the movement of semen during ejaculation. The male urinary system as … Read more