Does homeopathy medicine really contain alcohol? If you take medicine in fever, it works…does it?

In today’s modern culture and lifestyle, if you choose ‘homeopathic’ for treatment, someone will say with a firecracker that this man is definitely stingy. He is saving money, not his health. But even today there are many people in India who have full faith in homeopathic medicine. And they believe that this medicine can also … Read more

This home remedy with cinnamon is most effective for weight loss, know when to drink it?

Cinnamon Water: Fat people find it the most difficult task in the world to lose weight, although they still keep trying. Apart from gym, people use hot water at home, hot water with honey and lemon, green tea and don’t know how many other remedies, such people must try cinnamon water once for weight loss. … Read more

Desi ghee is the home remedy for these 10 diseases, remove the fear of obesity from your mind

Ghee in Thyroid: Ghee is rich in healthy fats. You can also call them good fats. This is the reason that consumption of ghee does not increase the level of bad cholesterol, but increases the flexibility and strength of nerves. Therefore, to keep the heart healthy, it is advised to eat desi ghee, especially cow’s … Read more

Lavender oil is a home remedy for mood swings and anxiety, learn how to use

Cause Of Blue Mood: The weather of October is very pleasant. Neither the heat hurts nor the winter trembles. Together, the fragrance of Parijat flowers makes the surrounding area fragrant every night. This season is also great in terms of excursions. But there is a little challenging in the matter of health, whether it is … Read more

Can’t get deep sleep even after being tired all day? Benefits of this remedy

Lack of Sleep: You must have heard most health experts saying that getting enough sleep is very important for better health. If you do not get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day, then it can lead to many problems. Today in this article we will tell you about the health damage caused by … Read more

Try this home remedy with bath water, you will get rid of itching

Health Care TipsWhere there are many good experiences of change in the weather, then many diseases and the risk of infection also comes along. Most of this includes dengue, malaria, fever, cold and cold etc. At the same time, most of the skin infections occur in rain, especially itching all over the body. Due to … Read more

Try this remedy in case of neck stiffness, you will get instant relief

Stiff Neck: If there is a problem of stiffness in the neck, then you have trouble walking and rotating the neck. Along with this, your everyday life is affected due to this problem. Many people hear a crackling sound when they turn their heads. If you are constantly troubled by neck stiffness, then you can … Read more

This home remedy is a medicine for heart pain, adopting it will give immediate relief

Chest Pain Remedies: The problem of chest pain can be due to many reasons. Due to many common cough, cold, gas and cold also some people start having chest pain. At the same time, there can be pain in the chest even in some serious situations. If you are getting pain in the chest due … Read more