Muscle Strengthening Linked to Lower Risk of Dying – Even in Short Amounts

Spending just 30-60 minutes a week on muscle-strengthening exercises could be enough to significantly lower your risk of dying, according to a new study, even without adding any additional cardiovascular exercise like running or cycling. Based on an analysis of 16 previous studies, covering up to 25 years of research and sample sizes of nearly … Read more

Low-Meat Diets Linked to Lower Cancer Risk, Hints Study of Nearly 500,000 People

More and more people are choosing to eat less meat. There are many reasons why people may choose to make this change, but health is often cited as a popular reason. A large body of research has shown that plant-based diets can have many health benefits, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases, such as … Read more

Why You Should Never Quit Fruit During a Low-Carb Diet, According to Science

One of my patients, who had been struggling with obesity, without control diabetes and the cost of her medications, agreed in June 2019 to adopt a more plant-based, whole-food diet. Excited by the challenge, she did a remarkable job. She increased her consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, stopped eating sweets, cookies and cakes, and … Read more