Real-life postpartum weight loss: How Akansha Lal lost 32 kgs in 8 months with THIS low-calorie recipe – Exclusive

Real-life postpartum weight loss: How Akansha Lal lost 32 kgs in 8 months with THIS low-calorie recipe – Exclusive

Home Lifestyle Real Life Postpartum Weight Loss: How Akansha Lal Lost 32 Kgs in 8 Months with THIS Low Calorie Recipe – Exclusive Real life weight loss stories often have a direct connection to people. Are you having difficulty starting your weight loss regimen? Here is the inspiring journey of Akansha Lal and how she … Read more

रोटी या चावल? वेट लॉस में क्या खाएं, क्या नहीं…. आज दूर कर लें अपना कंफ्यूजन!

रोटी या चावल? वेट लॉस में क्या खाएं, क्या नहीं…. आज दूर कर लें अपना कंफ्यूजन!

Weight Loss Tips : रोटी और चावल हमारे भोजन का अहम हिस्सा है. बिना इन दोनों के खाना अधूरा माना जाता है. हालांकि, लंबे समय से ये भी बहस चली आ रही है कि रोटी या चावल में से कौन ज्यादा बेहतर है. किसे खाने से शरीर को ज्यादा ऊर्जा मिलती है और वजन कम (Weight … Read more

rice or roti which one is more beneficial in weight loss

rice or roti which one is more beneficial in weight loss

Nowadays everyone takes special care of their health and weight keeping in mind their bad lifestyle. In this context, people also take special care of their diet. Whereas some people go to the gym. People who do not have time to go to the gym take special care of their diet. On the other hand, … Read more

Weight loss is now easy, include this flour bread in the diet, learn how to eat

Weight loss is now easy, include this flour bread in the diet, learn how to eat

Weight Loss Roti: If you have gained a lot of weight. Every day new measures are not working, so it is not as difficult as you are thinking. To lose weight, you just have to change your flour. From today itself, start eating millet flour roti. This will reduce your weight instantly. There is no … Read more