Why does cholesterol get deposited above the eyes? Know its symptoms

Xanthelasmata : The cholesterol deposited above the eyes is called Xanthelasma. This cholesterol can appear on the upper and lower part of the eyelids. Many cholesterol grains are seen together around the eyes. Exact information about what causes xanthelasma is not available. However, many experts say that xanthelasma can occur due to high cholesterol and … Read more

Symptoms of high cholesterol are also visible in the feet, do not ignore them

High Cholesterol Sigh: When cholesterol starts accumulating in the body in the form of fat, it is called high cholesterol. Cholesterol is needed in the formation of healthy cells, although the risk of heart diseases also increases rapidly when cholesterol levels increase. Fatty food, less sleep, obesity, smoking and drinking alcohol are the reasons for … Read more