Stomach Cancer: Indigestion, Bloating And Other Warning Signs That May Indicate The Severe Illness

Stomach Cancer: Indigestion, Bloating And Other Warning Signs That May Indicate The Severe Illness

Home Health Stomach Cancer: Indigestion, Bloating And Other Warning Signs That May Indicate The Severe Illness This article examines frequent symptoms, screening options, the value of early detection, and diagnostic techniques that are essential in the fight against stomach cancer. Stomach Cancer: Indigestion, Bloating And Other Warning Signs That May Indicate The Severe Illness Stomach … Read more

पेट की सूजन को हल्के में लेने की ना करें गलती, जानें किस ‘जानलेवा’ बीमारी से है इसका कनेक्शन?

पेट की सूजन को हल्के में लेने की ना करें गलती, जानें किस ‘जानलेवा’ बीमारी से है इसका कनेक्शन?

Stomach Cancer : क्या आपके पेट में लंबे समय से सूजन बनी हुई है? अगर हां तो सावधान हो जाइए, क्योंकि यह पेट का कैंसर (Stomach Cancer) भी हो सकता है. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक, पेट फूलना या पेट में सूजन कैंसर के संकेत हो सकते हैं. इसलिए ऐसी कंडीशन में तुरंत डॉक्टर को दिखाना चाहिए. … Read more

Stomach Cancer: पेट में होने वाली इन दिक्कतों को न करें इग्नोर, कैंसर के भी ये ही हैं लक्षण

Stomach Cancer: पेट में होने वाली इन दिक्कतों को न करें इग्नोर, कैंसर के भी ये ही हैं लक्षण

पेट का कैंसर तब होता है, जब पेट की परत के अंदर कैंसर की कोशिकाएं बढ़ने लगती हैं. इसे गैस्ट्रिक कैंसर के रूप में भी जाना जाता है. समय पर इसकी पहचान करना चुनौतीपूर्ण हो सकता है, क्योंकि अधिकांश लोगों को शुरुआती अवस्था में इसके लक्षण नहीं दिखते हैं. अधिकतर मामलों मं पेट के कैंसर … Read more

Colorectal cancer is becoming more common in youth, you should also know the initial symptoms

Colorectal cancer is becoming more common in youth, you should also know the initial symptoms

Colorectal Cancer Symptoms: Colon cancer is increasing rapidly in people under the age of 55. This cancer has doubled since 1995. The rate of colorectal cancer is continuously increasing among the youth around the world. A new report from the American Cancer Society revealed that the number of colorectal cancers in people under the age … Read more

Stomach Cancer: How Does Diet Affect The Risk of Gastric Cancer?

Stomach Cancer: How Does Diet Affect The Risk of Gastric Cancer?

Home Health Stomach Cancer and Diet: 5 Ways Your Eating Habits May Increase Gastric Cancer Risk Stomach cancer and diet: Loss of appetite is one of the typical signs of stomach cancer, so diet plays an important role in increasing the risk of gastric cancer. Stomach cancer and diet: Stomach cancer, also known as gastric … Read more

Stomach Cancer And Diet: 5 Food-Related Factors That Can Increase The Risk of Gastric Cancer

Stomach Cancer And Diet: 5 Food-Related Factors That Can Increase The Risk of Gastric Cancer

According to ongoing research, much remains to be learned about how and why food choices affect cancer risk. Stomach Cancer and Diet: 5 Diet-Related Factors That May Increase Your Risk of Gastric Cancer (Source: Freepik) There is evidence that the foods we eat can increase our chance of developing certain types of cancer. According to … Read more

Men are more prone to colon cancer than women, it is known after this age

Men are more prone to colon cancer than women, it is known after this age

Common Cancer In Men: Cancer has spread very rapidly in the last few years. The number of patients suffering from this deadly disease is increasing continuously. As common a disease as cancer has become in today’s time, one of its types is Stomach Cancer, that is, cancer in the stomach is as rare as cancer. … Read more

Epstein-Barr Virus closely associated with Gastric Cancer: AGA

Epstein-Barr Virus closely associated with Gastric Cancer: AGA

Epstein-Barr virus closely associated with gastric cancer: AGA We use cookies for analytics, advertising and to improve our site. You agree to our use of cookies by continuing to use our site. To learn more, check out our Cookies policy Y Cookie settings.okay .