Soha Ali Khan suffers from vitamin D deficiency, know its symptoms and treatment

Soha Ali Khan suffers from vitamin D deficiency, know its symptoms and treatment

Our energy level remains higher in winter than in summer. Whereas in winter we feel more lethargic. It’s also true that during the winter months of November, December and January, in many parts of the country – particularly in the north – lack of sunlight can lead to mood swings and subsequent hormonal problems. Soha … Read more

Despite good sunshine, there is a vitamin D deficiency in the body of Indians, you know the reason.

Despite good sunshine, there is a vitamin D deficiency in the body of Indians, you know the reason.

Despite good sunshine, there is a vitamin D deficiency in the body of Indians, you know the reason. Source link

सर्दियों में निकलती है कम धूप, ऐसे में जानें शरीर में कैसे पूरी करें विटामिन D की कमी

सर्दियों में निकलती है कम धूप, ऐसे में जानें शरीर में कैसे पूरी करें विटामिन D की कमी

Vitamin D Deficiency: शरीर सही तरह से काम करे इसके लिए पर्याप्त मात्रा में विटामिन्स और प्रोटीन समेत कई मिनरल्स की जरूरत होती है. इनमें से कुछ पोषक तत्व तो आहार से शरीर को मिल जाते हैं और कुछ वातावरण या प्रकृति के संपर्क में रहने से. इन्हीं में से एक है विटामिन D, जो बेहद … Read more

सर्दियों में कुछ ही देर धूप में बैठने से मिलते हैं गजब के फायदे, बूस्ट होती है इम्युनिटी

सर्दियों में कुछ ही देर धूप में बैठने से मिलते हैं गजब के फायदे, बूस्ट होती है इम्युनिटी

Sunbathing in Winter: सर्दियों की गुनगुनी धूप सेहत के लिए जबरदस्त फायदेमंद होता है. घंटों धूप में बैठकर बातें करना, काम करना या नींद लेना काफी अच्छा लगता है. पहले ये बातें आम हुआ करती थीं लेकिन आजकल बिजी शेड्यूल की वजह से धूप में बैठना यानी धूप सेंकने (Sunbathing) के लिए समय ही नहीं मिल … Read more

What are the disadvantages of keeping the phone in the pocket of jeans?

What are the disadvantages of keeping the phone in the pocket of jeans?

Nowadays life seems incomplete without mobile. It is not that this problem is only with young age people. Rather, if you look at people of any age, you will see them scrolling through videos, songs or something on social media. But today we will talk, is it a good thing to be so close to … Read more

One should sunbathe in winter, but at what time and for how long is it okay to stay in the sun?

One should sunbathe in winter, but at what time and for how long is it okay to stay in the sun?

The sun with which people steal their lives in the summer season, with the same sun, people start loving in winter. Leaving their work, people want to stay in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes in winter. The heat that sunlight provides to the body, that heat is not available from anything else. The … Read more

What is sun charged water, drinking it will give many benefits to the body

What is sun charged water, drinking it will give many benefits to the body

Sun Charged Water: Sunlight is beneficial for our body in many ways. It has also been mentioned somewhere in Ayurveda. It is the main source of energy for us. Sun is given a special place in Indian culture. In Ayurveda, drinking water charged with it is considered beneficial for health. It is also called Surya … Read more

What to do to avoid the sun in summer? eat these things

What to do to avoid the sun in summer?  eat these things

How To Keep Your Body Cool In Summer: The heat of June disturbs the good people. There is no relief from strong sun, heat and humidity anywhere. The summer season is such in which the hunger disappears and the thirst persists throughout the day. It seems that just keep drinking water throughout the day. Keep … Read more