There should be no deficiency of these vitamins in the body, many problems can arise.

There should be no deficiency of these vitamins in the body, many problems can arise.

According to the WHO, around 200 million people worldwide are deficient in essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are very important micronutrients for the body, necessary for the proper functioning of cells and their growth. Vitamins play an important role in energy production, immune function, blood clotting, and maintenance of bones and tissues. The body obtains … Read more

These vitamins work as a tonic for women, include them in the diet immediately.

These vitamins work as a tonic for women, include them in the diet immediately.

Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms: The immune system of any person should be strong. To strengthen the immune system, vitamins, proteins and other nutrients are taken. Be it vitamins, proteins or essential minerals, women and men are essential for all. Vitamins are very important in women. If there is a deficiency of vitamins, then there is a … Read more

The lack of this vitamin has a direct connection with cancer, definitely protect it

The lack of this vitamin has a direct connection with cancer, definitely protect it

Vitamins: Vitamins are very important for the body. The body gives many indications when there is a deficiency of vitamins. Doctors tell that there are many types of vitamins and each vitamin has a different importance in the body. Do you know that some vitamins are so important for the body that due to their … Read more

Vitamin D deficiency in children due to lack of exposure to sunlight, increase the amount of these things in food

Vitamin D deficiency in children due to lack of exposure to sunlight, increase the amount of these things in food

Vitamin D Rich Food: Nowadays children avoid going out in the sun. At the same time, parents also do not want to let their child stay in the sun for a while. Due to this, there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body of most children. This problem is more dangerous in children … Read more

To keep the child away from diseases, then feed these things rich in vitamin D

To keep the child away from diseases, then feed these things rich in vitamin D

Vitamin D Rich Food: After the birth of the child, he starts giving vitamin D to him. Vitamin D is very important for the physical development of children. Due to the lack of vitamin D in the body, the immunity of children starts weakening, due to which the child falls ill again and again. Vitamin … Read more

Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of heart and cancer, be careful

Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of heart and cancer, be careful

Vitamin D Deficiency: Vitamin D is very important to keep the body healthy. Nowadays, since people’s exposure to the sun has decreased, there is a lack of vitamin D in the body. Such houses and offices are being built in metros where there is no sunlight throughout the year. It is also having an effect … Read more

If there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the child, then feed these 5 things

If there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the child, then feed these 5 things

Vitamin D Rich Food: Vitamin D is very important for the good growth of children. Lack of vitamin D in the body weakens the immunity of children. Vitamin D deficiency causes many problems in the body. This can stop the growth of bones. Feeling tired and weak throughout the day. Children fall ill very quickly. … Read more