Frailty Impacts 22 Crore Indians in the 45-59 Age Group

In India a staggering 22 crore individuals in the age group of 45-59, constituting 16.2% of the population experience frailty. The study is published in BMJ Open. Frailty refers to a state of weakness in the human body that makes people prone to diseases, injuries and falls. Although frailty is commonly associated with older people, … Read more

क्या आप भी दिन भर में सिर्फ 2 या 3 ग्लास पानी पीते हैं? यहां जानें इसके नुकसान

क्या आप भी दिन भर में सिर्फ 2 या 3 ग्लास पानी पीते हैं? यहां जानें इसके नुकसान Source link

If you are also seeing these 5 symptoms, then do not ignore it, there may be a problem of blockage in the veins.

Clogged Arteries: Due to bad lifestyle and bad food, the risk of heart diseases is increasing. Most of the heart diseases are being seen due to increase in cholesterol. Actually, the accumulation of lipoprotein deposits cholesterol starts in the blood vessels. Because of which the veins start getting blocked. This affects the supply of blood … Read more

These 6 symptoms start appearing in the body when cholesterol increases… Do not ignore even by mistake

Warning Sign Of High Cholesterol: High cholesterol is a very serious problem. The high level of cholesterol in the body increases the risk of heart diseases. Due to this, you can become a victim of serious diseases like heart attack and stroke. Let us tell you that cholesterol is a wax substance found in the … Read more

clove milk: clove milk can remove the physical weakness of men

Benefits Of Clove Milk: Milk is the only food in which carbohydrates, fats, proteins and calcium are found. This is the reason why it is considered a complete diet. For those who stay away from meat and fish, milk is an important source of protein. If you want to make your child’s brain sharp, give … Read more

This diet is a panacea in dengue, consumption leads to quick recovery, weakness will go away

Dengue Diet: Winter season is coming. Dengue patients are being seen with cold-cough fever. The increase in dengue cases in October has raised concerns. According to health experts, even after recovering from dengue, recovery is taking a long time. The problem of weakness and fatigue persists for a long time. The body becomes weak during … Read more

Cashew almonds also fail in front of Chilgoza, weakness will go away after eating

How Much Pine Nuts Per Day: You must have read that eating cashew almonds makes health. Cashew almonds are very beneficial for health, but even more beneficial is Chilgoza. Many people have hardly heard this name before, Chilgoza is a very beneficial seed. It is only a dry fruit, but people eat it less. Chilgoza … Read more

Effective home remedies to remove fatigue and weakness in women, these 5 things must be included in the diet

Home Remedies For Weakeness: Women are very careless about their health, which is why fatigue and weakness starts increasing in the body at the age of 35-40 years. Women start having body aches and many problems. Sometimes the problem of weakness increases so much that it becomes difficult even to do daily work. Proper nutrition … Read more