What changes happen in the body by fasting for 9 days in Navratri? how beneficial for health

Fast For Health: People keep fast for 9 days in Shardiya Navratri. Worship the Goddess with devotion. Although in Hinduism, one or the other fasting continues throughout the year, but the fast of Navratri which falls in Sharad Ritu has special significance. Not only does fasting for Navratri have religious significance, but by doing it you also get many health benefits. By eating sattvik food and not consuming food for the whole 9 days, the body is detoxified. In this season there is climate and season change, in such a situation the immunity becomes weak, but when you fast for 9 days, it strengthens the immunity. Eating light food during fasting makes the intestine healthy. Eating healthy food during fasting also reduces weight. When you fast for 9 days, many changes take place in the body. Let us know what changes happen in the body after fasting and how beneficial it is to keep fasting.

Benefits of fasting for 9 days

1- The first advantage of fasting is that after 9 days your body gets detoxified well. By eating plenty of water and fruits during the fast, the toxins present in the body come out.
2- If you eat less oil and sweet and more fruits and vegetables in fasting, then it reduces the weight rapidly. The fat burning process gets accelerated during fasting. This reduces the accumulated fat.
3- By fasting, new disease resistant cells are formed in the body. It also helps in increasing the change of season and weak immunity.
4- Drinking plenty of water and eating fiber-rich food during fasting improves digestion. Due to this, the problems related to stomach are reduced and the stomach also does not get upset.
6- By fasting for the whole 9 days, mental health also improves. Depression and problems related to the mind are removed by fasting.
7- On the day of fasting, people reduce anger and also take less stress. This reduces stress, which improves your health.
8- Those who observe fast, their mind remains more stable and calm than others. It also improves your sleep and makes you feel lighter.
9- By keeping fast, the body remains fit and agility remains in the body and laziness is removed. Energy is also maintained by eating less food and heavy things during the fast.
10- By keeping fast, you get to know how unhealthy and more you eat throughout the day. With this you can control the diet. Fasting increases the metabolic rate and burns more calories.

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Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or concerned expert.

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