What should be breakfast, lunch and dinner in the rain, know what to eat and what not to eat

Monsoon Food: In Ayurveda, it is advised to change the food according to the season. That is, the diet should be like Ritu. During the rainy season, you need to be careful about food and drink. Diseases and infections spread rapidly in monsoon. In such a situation, your carelessness can take a toll on your health. Today we are telling you what you should and should not eat during the rainy season. Know what to include in breakfast, lunch and dinner.

What to eat and what not to eat in the rain

Breakfast- I like to eat fried roast in the rain, but to stay healthy, you should avoid such food. Start the day with healthy food for breakfast. You can have poha, upma, idli, dry toast or parathas in breakfast. Together you can drink black tea or black coffee.

Lunch- The digestive system becomes weak during the rainy season. Food is not digested quickly. In such a situation, try to keep the lunch light. You have to avoid eating high protein diet or more oily spicy vegetables. Instead, eat moong-lentils, green vegetables, roti and salad. You can drink buttermilk or lassi made from fresh homemade curd whenever you want.

Dinner- It is advisable to have a light dinner to stay healthy. In the rainy season, you should eat light food, especially at night. You can drink soup and eat oats or salty porridge along with it. Apart from this, you can eat gourd vegetable and roti. Khichdi is also a good option for this season.

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while sleeping- Drink 1 glass of turmeric milk while sleeping at night. Yes, there should be a gap of about 1-2 hours between food and milk. After that you sleep after drinking warm water. This will keep the throat problem or any kind of infection away.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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