Why eat high protein foods? protein foods are good for you

High-protein foods have managed to garner themselves some bad press in both dieting and weight loss quarters. A high protein low fat diet is routinely dismissed as not suitable for weight loss and goal weight maintenance.

and why is that?

This isn’t because a protein diet is particularly bad for you, but because it goes against the habits many of us have developed over a lifetime. We eat too many carbs, too many saturated fats and not enough lean protein. For lean protein, think low-fat dairy foods and low-fat cuts of meat instead of lardy bacon and full-fat cheese.

If you are the kind of person who is determined to break long term eating habits to achieve your weight loss goal, then a high protein diet menu will prove to be of great help to you in reducing fat and getting fit.

The key is to eat a high protein low fat diet, not a high protein low carb diet. You should have moderate intake of carbs in your regular daily diet. The trick is to shift carbs primarily to the first half of the day. Breakfast, lunch, and mid-morning and afternoon snacks can contain significant amounts of complex carbs.

Most of the carbs you eat on a high-protein, moderate-carb diet won’t come from the tempting category of simple carbs. Think chocolate doughnut, but don’t be tempted to give up and buy it for experimental purposes.

Complex carbs are the ones in fruits and breads and cereals that you’ll learn to love because they’ll help you lose your extra fatty bits.

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Your night time meal should include a good serving of high protein foods. Meat, fish, eggs and legumes are good choices. Have your serving of protein with a salad or steamed vegetables and follow this meal with a healthy snack a little later in the evening.

A tub of low-fat cottage cheese with a scattering of fruit would be ideal.

Yes, I know, fruits do indeed contain a lot of carbs, but choose fruits that are high in fiber and their carbs will be absorbed more slowly and your clever body will store them as fat deposits so easily. will not store.

High protein foods are essential for good health. Protein, which was named by the ancient Greeks for its “primordial importance,” is responsible for the growth and repair of muscle and tissue. It prevents infection and disease.

If you do not consume enough protein, your body will start shutting down its essential functions. This is a great argument against reducing protein.

The best thing about a high protein low fat diet is that these protein foods make you feel full for longer, give you full energy for a longer period of time, boost your metabolism and reduce food cravings. Let’s compete.

Wait, that’s 4 things! You really like a little protein.

Source by Rosie Peters

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