Six Pack Abs Diet: Thermogenics

One of the best ways to really move forward with a six pack abs diet is to include as many thermogenic foods as possible. Thermogenesis is the process that the human body uses to burn calories. A good six pack abs diet that includes thermogenic foods can increase calorie intake by 10% or more, especially if exercise is also employed.

Following is a list of foods that are easy to incorporate into a six pack abs diet- they all have thermogenic properties that will help burn calories quickly.

Spice it up for Six Pack Abs Diet!

Capsaicin is found in spices like hot peppers and will increase the thermogenesis of six pack abs diet. Using spicy chili sauce, salsa, or even black pepper to spice up foods will aid in both fat burning and an overall feeling of fullness in the diet.

Green tea has a double benefit for diet. It contains both caffeine and a substance called catechin. They work together to increase thermogenesis after the dieter eats.

An unusual thermogenic is ice water. Anyone on a diet should drink plenty of water in any event, but cooling it down to 40′ will increase its calorie-burning potential – up to 200 calories per day.

Another good fat burner for six pack abs diet is apple cider vinegar. Add 2T to a glass of water twice a day. It can help a dieter see visible loss within a month and is an unbeatable combination with a good exercise routine.

Six Pack Abs Diet Foods With Thermogenic Properties

There are also some common foods that help boost thermogenesis while providing essential nutrients in a six pack diet.

Both apples and celery are considered ‘zero calorie’ foods because their calorie content is basically reduced to zero by the energy used to digest them. They provide a good source of dietary fiber and also contain vitamins that you need.

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Berries provide potassium and a way to eat something sweet without adding any extra calories to the diet. Because a good portion of the berry (skin and seeds) is indigestible, they inhibit the absorption of calories. The best fruits to eat in this category, besides apples and berries, include cherries, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, peaches or pears. All of these should be consumed fresh, as the canned versions contain a lot of sugar. They also lose many nutrients through the cooking process.

A good diet provides an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables for overall good health. Choosing foods with additional thermogenic properties can help people reach their goals more quickly.

Source by James Boulay

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