Don’t confuse heartburn with acidity, it can lead to stomach cancer.

Don’t confuse heartburn with acidity, it can lead to stomach cancer.

Signs of stomach cancer : If there is a burning sensation in the chest, acid belching occurs frequently, so be careful, as it may be stomach cancer. Most people ignore it, considering it as acidity, which can become dangerous later. There is a risk of stomach cancer in the upper or lower part. If its … Read more

If you are bothered by acidity and constipation, make this change in your lifestyle immediately, the results will be visible in 2 days.

If you are bothered by acidity and constipation, make this change in your lifestyle immediately, the results will be visible in 2 days.

Make some improvements to your daily life to reduce acid reflux and improve digestion. During the holidays, people do not refrain from overeating, which increases the risk of digestive problems in the body. In fact, apart from diet, many lifestyle mistakes also increase problems with flatulence, stomach upset, indigestion and constipation. Likewise, the problem of … Read more

The Diwali festival does not spoil your digestion, drink this special drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

The Diwali festival does not spoil your digestion, drink this special drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

During festival days, people often eat so much unhealthy food that they start experiencing stomach upset or problems like gas, acidity, and flatulence. So it would be better if you prepare your stomach and body for the festival. From now on, drink celery tea instead of milk tea in the morning for two consecutive days. … Read more

Want to get rid of sour burps and acidity? Make sure to adopt these home remedies

Want to get rid of sour burps and acidity? Make sure to adopt these home remedies

Dizziness after eating is very common. However, these burps sometimes turn sour. This causes discomfort and after belching the taste in the mouth may also deteriorate. Additionally, a burning sensation is also felt in the chest and throat. Acidic belching can have many reasons. Some of them include excessive consumption of fatty foods. Including overeating … Read more

Is drinking cold drinks really beneficial for acidity?

Is drinking cold drinks really beneficial for acidity?

Cold drinks for acidity : Our eating habits are not good for all of us. This is why our stomach must bear the weight. Problems like acidity and bloating arise. After gas forms in the stomach, many people drink cold drinks to relieve themselves. They also feel relaxed. Is this really happening? Can acidity really … Read more

Nighttime Heartburn: 5 Effective Ways to Cure Indigestion at Home

Nighttime Heartburn: 5 Effective Ways to Cure Indigestion at Home

Home Health Nighttime Heartburn: 5 Effective Ways to Cure Indigestion at Home Below are some tips you can follow to reduce nighttime indigestion and enjoy better quality sleep. Nighttime Heartburn: 5 Effective Ways to Cure Indigestion at Home Nighttime heartburn, often referred to as acid reflux, can seriously disrupt sleep and affect overall well-being. For … Read more

If acidity bothers you, these 6 things kept in the kitchen will give you relief.

If acidity bothers you, these 6 things kept in the kitchen will give you relief.

Acid reflux: Due to irregular eating habits and poor lifestyle, many types of stomach problems can arise. One of them includes the problem of acidity. Eating rotten and too spicy food can lead to acidity problems. If there is a problem of burning sensation in the stomach and chest, acidic gases start rising in the … Read more

Indigestion Alert: 5 Foods You Should Never Pair With Curd For a Healthy Stomach

Indigestion Alert: 5 Foods You Should Never Pair With Curd For a Healthy Stomach

Home Health Indigestion alert: 5 foods you should never combine with curd for a healthy stomach The nutrients loaded in curd can harm your body if consumed with wrong foods. It can upset your digestive system and cause health problems like indigestion, heartburn, and more. Indigestion alert: 5 foods you should never combine with curd … Read more