Do you ever drink buttermilk! So definitely know its right time… otherwise it will be a loss.

Do you ever drink buttermilk!  So definitely know its right time… otherwise it will be a loss.

Right Time To Drink Butter Milk: As soon as the summer season comes, people start drinking buttermilk. Actually it is a great drink which keeps the body cool as well as cures many diseases. Gut health is also promoted by its use. There is no shortage of water in the body. Apart from this, many … Read more

Drink Triphala buttermilk in summer, it will help in weight loss and increase digestion power.

Drink Triphala buttermilk in summer, it will help in weight loss and increase digestion power.

Weight Loss Tips: It is fun if you get to drink curd, buttermilk or lassi with food in summer. To keep the stomach healthy and reduce weight, you must include raita or buttermilk in the food. Drinking buttermilk helps in digestion. Apart from this, buttermilk is also beneficial in protecting from heat and heat. If … Read more