ऑफिस जाने की जल्दी में नहीं करते हैं नाश्ता तो कर रहे हैं बड़ी गलती! ब्रेकफास्ट के जादुई फायदे जानिए

Breakfast Benefits: कहते हैं सुबह का नाश्ता राजकुमार की तरह, दोपहर का भोजन राजा की तरह और रात का खाना भिखारी की तरह खाना चाहिए. खासतौर पर भारतीय खान-पान में नाश्ते का बड़ा महत्व है.  न्यूट्रिशनिस्ट बताते हैं कि सुबह के नाश्ते के बड़े चमत्कारी लाभ हैं. ये आपके बॉडी और ब्रेन दोनों को फिट … Read more

छोटी-छोटी बातों में हो जाते हैं गुस्सा, तो इसके पीछे का कारण है आपके सुबह का नाश्ता…जानिए

Rujuta Diwekar Breakfast Tips: अक्सर घर के बड़े बुजुर्गों को कहते सुना होगा कि कभी भी खाली पेट घर से बाहर नहीं जाना चाहिए. हमेशा कुछ खाकर ही काम पर निकलना चाहिए. कभी आपने सोचा है ऐसा क्यों कहा जाता है. दरअसल, इसके पीछे कई साइंटीफिक रीजन हैं. आप आज के समय में किसी डाइटिशियन … Read more

Lose 35 kg by eating only one thing in breakfast, you can lose weight by having this breakfast

Tips From Real Life Weight Loss Journey: If you are struggling with the problems of irregular lifestyle and due to increasing weight rapidly, then you can learn from Kriti Gupta of Faridabad. Kriti Gupta, 28, became so serious about her increasing weight that she has now become an example after weight loss. Due to excess … Read more

Avoid eating these things on an empty stomach in the morning

Foods not to Eat on Empty Stomach: Whatever we eat, whether good or bad, from morning to night, has a direct effect on our stomach. Especially whenever we eat something here and there in an empty stomach, then we have to bear the brunt of it. Many types of gases are filled in the empty … Read more

Whether the reason for your anger is breakfast in the morning, know the opinion of the dietician

Rujuta Diwekar Breakfast Tips: Often the elders of the house must be heard saying that one should never go out of the house empty stomach. Always go to work after eating something. Have you ever wondered why it is called like this? Actually, there are many scientific regions behind this. If you talk to a … Read more

If you want to stop weight gain, then stop doing this work in the morning.

Weight Control Tips: To prevent increasing weight, you focus more on diet and exercise. Isn’t it? Doing so is good and effective too. But some very small things can create problems in reducing your increasing weight. What are these things, which have a profound effect on weight, know here … 1. early morning sleepIf you … Read more

Diet Tips: 5 Reasons Why It’s Highly Dangerous to Skip Meals – Never Ever do it!

Diet Tips: With busy work schedules and meetings, we tend to skip meals. It has become a habit to skip meals and focus more on work. However this is not good for the body. This will affect your health and fitness goals. Even if you are trying to lose those extra kilos, it is always … Read more