Can’t get deep sleep even after being tired all day? Benefits of this remedy

Lack of Sleep: You must have heard most health experts saying that getting enough sleep is very important for better health. If you do not get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day, then it can lead to many problems. Today in this article we will tell you about the health damage caused by … Read more

Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment Cost, What Are Its Causes, Symptoms?-GoMed

Whether or not you have ever had a blood clot during an injury, it can happen to anyone. If this has happened to you, then a blood clot accumulates, then due to this you may have deep vein thrombosis. Actually this is a medical condition that occurs when clots form in the veins present in … Read more

Coma, deep coma or brain dead, understand how the human body reacts when it reaches this state

Brain Dead: Comedian Raju Srivastava (comedian raju shrivastava) is no more in this world. During the treatment of Raju Srivastava, a rumor spread that he had become brain dead. Some told to go into coma and some to go into deep coma. However, till now a statement has not been issued by AIIMS saying that … Read more

The turns keep changing throughout the night? This 7 day plan will give you deep sleep

7 Days Plan For Sound Sleep: In a survey by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 80% of people who took part in a survey admitted that looking at the phone till late at night or scrolling social media makes them sleep late. Because of this, the eyes open many times in the night. The … Read more

Big disclosure in a study done on 12 lakh people, Corona has made a deep impact on the mind

Whoever has got corona, it can happen to anyone. These symptoms are related to the mind. In medical language, it will be called neuropsychiatric. Full details of this study Medical Journal ‘The Lancet’   According to the study, corona is affecting our neuro function by reaching our brain through the nose. Due to this, a patient … Read more

Deep breathing provides amazing benefits, this is great no-time exercise

Deep Breathing: Both yoga and pranayama are methods of staying healthy. Both have a huge impact on physical and mental health. Those who do yoga and pranayama in the right way and who have taken their training from a trained yoga teacher, all those people understand the importance of inhaling and exhaling in these disciplines. … Read more

Good and deep sleep is necessary for a healthy body, remove insomnia with these measures

Sleeplessness: Do you keep changing sides all night long? Do you keep falling asleep frequently during the night? If yes, then the reason for this could be a complaint of insomnia. Follow some important tips to overcome the problem of insomnia. By this you can get rid of the problem of insomnia to a great … Read more

Drink this special tea before sleeping for a good and deep sleep

How To Get Good Sleep: Good and deep sleep is very important for health. When the sleep is deep and without dreams, then in the morning you wake up with a very fresh mood. Sleep is very important for mental and physical health as well as beauty. You can get a good sleep at night … Read more