बॉडी डिटॉक्स के लिए सुबह-सुबह करें 5 काम, बिना मेहनत साफ होगी शरीर की गंदगी

बॉडी डिटॉक्स के लिए सुबह-सुबह करें 5 काम, बिना मेहनत साफ होगी शरीर की गंदगी

Morning Body Detox: आजकल जंक फूड खाना, मैदे से बनी चीजें, प्रोसेस्ड फूड्स और लो-फाइबर डाइट की वजह से शरीर को काफी नुकसान पहुंच रहा है. इनकी वजह से शरीर में विषैले तत्व, केमिकल्स और प्रीजर्वेटिव्स जमा होने लगते हैं. इनकी वजह से शरीर अंदर से खोखला होता जाता है. सुबह-सुबह खाली पेट चाय-कॉफी पीने से … Read more

बच्चों से ज्यादा युवाओं के लिए खतरनाक है सोशल मीडिया, जानें क्या है कारण

बच्चों से ज्यादा युवाओं के लिए खतरनाक है सोशल मीडिया, जानें क्या है कारण

<p style="text-align: justify;">’डेलॉइट’ ( Deloitte) के एक नए रिसर्च के मुताबिक 71 प्रतिशत कर्मचारी सोशल मीडिया पर इतना ज्यादा वक्त बिताते हैं. जिसकी वजह से उनकी काम की क्वालिटी खराब होती है. इसी कंपनी के एक नए रिसर्च में पाया गया है कि 30 प्रतिशत वयस्क लगातार इंटरनेट से जुड़े रहते हैं, जबकि केवल 10 … Read more

Gut Health: 5 Ways to Naturally Detox Gut For Good Digestion

Gut Health: 5 Ways to Naturally Detox Gut For Good Digestion

Home Health Gut Health: 5 Ways to Naturally Detox Your Gut for Good Digestion Gut is also called the second brain. Therefore, a healthy gut is imperative for proper bodily functions. Here’s how to cleanse it naturally for better digestion. Good gut health is important and we all know it. But how can we incorporate … Read more

Detox Time! 8 Expert-Backed Tips For Natural Detoxification of The Body

Detox Time! 8 Expert-Backed Tips For Natural Detoxification of The Body

Home Health Detox time! 8 Expert-Backed Tips for Natural Body Detoxification Body detoxification is a complete process and it is not easy. However, to reach that calm and healthy stage, it is important to follow some detox rules in a disciplined manner. “Time for me to do some detox.” A common phrase we often hear. … Read more

Drink this vegetable juice in winter and do body detox, learn how to prepare them

Drink this vegetable juice in winter and do body detox, learn how to prepare them

Drink Vegetable Juice To Detox Body: Winters have come. Along with this, the season of new vegetables has also arrived. In this season all kinds of vegetables especially green vegetables are available in the market. The winter season is also called the season of making health. During this, people make all efforts from reducing weight … Read more

Take full care of health this Diwali, do body detox with these ayurvedic tips

Take full care of health this Diwali, do body detox with these ayurvedic tips

Ayurvedic Tips To Detox Body: No matter how much one takes care of his diet and exercise, but during the festival season, carelessness happens. This is the time when sweets to fried food cannot be avoided after a limit. However, whatever the season, health comes first. So Diwali Enjoy the delicacies in this season, but … Read more

No weight loss happening? Try this detox juice, the weight will be less and the body will also be clean

No weight loss happening?  Try this detox juice, the weight will be less and the body will also be clean

Detox Juice For Weight Loss: Detox juices are a good way to cleanse the body. With these, the body also gets all the nutrients and they are not heavy on the digestive system either. They are easily digested and they are also a great option to clean the dirt of the body. The juices we … Read more

5 Drinks To Cleanse Blood And Detox The Body

5 Drinks To Cleanse Blood And Detox The Body

Purify Your Blood: 5 Drinks To Cleanse Blood And Detox The Body. Source link