Benefits of eating gluten free – Lose weight, increase energy and strengthen digestion

Gluten Free Diet For Non Celiacs: Nowadays the trend of gluten free food is increasing rapidly. Eating gluten free helps in weight loss and digestion. Diabetes can also be controlled with gluten free diet. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. People who are allergic to gluten should not consume products made … Read more

If you are allergic to wheat and take a gluten free diet, then include these grains in your diet.

Gluten Free Indian Grains: Some people are allergic to gluten. Such people are not able to consume things made from wheat, barley or mustard. Due to this, they start getting allergic immediately. Gluten free diet is also in trend among people for weight loss these days. Gluten free diet is also used to overcome digestive … Read more