Malaika Arora’s Diet: Actor Eats ‘Berries, Eggs And Toast’ For Breakfast But Is This Nutritional Enough as First Meal of The Day?

Home Lifestyle Malaika Arora’s Diet: Actor Eats ‘Berries, Eggs And Toast’ For Breakfast But Is This Nutritional Enough as First Meal of The Day? Malaika Arora is a diva who not only makes fashion statement but inspires people towards health and wellness. Here is what she eats for breakfast. Malaika Arora’s Diet: Actor Eats ‘Berries, … Read more

अंडे के साथ कभी भी न खाएं यह चीजें, शरीर के इन अंगों को कर सकता है डैमेज

<p style="text-align: justify;">अंडा में कई तरह के पोषक तत्व होते हैं जो हमारी सेहत के लिए काफी ज्यादा फायदेमंद होता है. प्रोटीन से भरपूर अंडा मांसपेशियों के लिए बहुत अच्छा माना जाता है. अंडा खाने से दिल भी हेल्दी रहता है. न्यूट्रिशन और पावरहाउस से भरपूर अंडा ब्रेकफास्ट में खाई जाने वाली सबसे अच्छी चीज … Read more

खाली पेट अंडा या नट्स दोनों में से कौन सा है हेल्दी?

<p style="text-align: justify;">अक्सर कहा जाता है कि पूरे दिन में ब्रेकफास्ट सबसे जरूरी मील होता है. घर में अक्सर बड़े-बुजुर्गों को कहते सुना होगा कि सुबह कुछ खाकर ही बाहर निकले. क्योंकि अगर आप अच्छा और टाइम पर ब्रेकफास्ट करेंगे तो आपका पूरा दिन शानदार और एनर्जेटिक गुजरेगा. कुछ लोग नाश्ते में नट्स तो कुछ … Read more

Do you also drink tea with eggs in breakfast? So first read this news and then do this

Side Effects of Drinking Tea With Eggs: Most of the people all over India wake up in the morning and drink tea. Some people take tea on empty stomach and some people take it with breakfast. But the thing to be noted here is that what are you having for breakfast with tea. Let us … Read more

Brown or white egg: Which is healthier?

Eggs are the preferred food choice, whether for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, for many people. Why not; After all, they’re not only super easy to make, but they’re also packed with numerous health benefits. But among the most commonly available variety of eggs — brown and egg — which is better for you? Shedding light … Read more

Egg Effects: How many eggs should be consumed in a day, otherwise health may have to suffer

Egg Eating Side Effects: Eggs have been considered a treasure of health. The nutrients found in it help in making you healthy. If eggs are included in the category of superfood, then it will not be wrong. Anything too can harm the health. Yes, today we will tell you about how many eggs you should … Read more

Weight will be reduced by eating egg, consume it in these three ways

Weight Loss With Egg: Many people these days are troubled by obesity. Increasing body fat is a curse for us, because due to this there is a possibility of many diseases. Especially due to obesity, there is a possibility of diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure. In such a situation, it is very important to … Read more