आप घर पर ये 5 काम करते हैं तो फिटनेस के लिए अलग से वर्कआउट की जरूरत नहीं

आप घर पर ये 5 काम करते हैं तो फिटनेस के लिए अलग से वर्कआउट की जरूरत नहीं Source link

घर के ये 4 काम रोज कर लें तो नहीं है अलग से वर्कआउट की जरूरत! पूरी तरह रहेंगे फिट

फिट और एक्टिव रहने के लिए हमें व्यायाम और वर्कआउट की जरूरत होती है. लेकिन व्यस्त दिनचर्या के कारण अकसर लोगों को इसके लिए अलग से समय निकालना मुश्किल लगता है. लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि घर पर किए जाने वाले कुछ काम ही एक कंपलीट वर्कआउट का काम कर सकते हैं? इसके लिए … Read more

Home & Garden: Designing Your Garden for Better Mental Health

(StatePoint) Gardening isn’t just a means of beautifying outdoor spaces and growing delicious food. According to those who spend a lot of time in the garden, getting outside can also contribute to their well-being. “Gardening is good for the mind, it’s good for the soul, and it’s good for the body,” said legendary football coach … Read more

Having a lazy day? How it can work wonders for your mental health

we always feel guilty about taking one, but one lazy day it can actually do wonders for our mental health and make us more productive in the long run. According to experts, having at least one rest day a week can help reduce stress, high blood pressure and improve our well-being. So what exactly is … Read more

Gardening helps to achieve better mental health

According to a recent study, even if a person has never gardened before, the garden is such a happy area that simply spending time with plants can improve mental health. Research findings published in the journal PLOS ONE, University of Florida scientists found that gardening activities reduced stress, anxiety, and depression in healthy women who … Read more

Research says Gardening Can Promote Better Mental Health

New research suggests that many people can reap mental health benefits from working with plants, even if they’ve never gardened before. In a study published in the journal PLOS ONE, scientists at the University of Florida found that gardening activities reduced stress, anxiety, and depression in healthy women who attended gardening classes twice a week. … Read more