Weight Loss to Heart Health, 5 Reason Why You Must Consider Climbing Stairs

Home Health Weight Loss for Heart Health, 5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Climbing Stairs Climbing stairs offers a variety of health benefits. It’s a simple exercise that can become a natural part of your routine. It’s an easy way to stay healthy without working too hard. Let’s discover some benefits of climbing stairs. 5 … Read more

Constantly Sitting For Long Hours? It May be as Dangerous as Smoking, Here is How to Manage it Effectively

Home Health Constantly sitting for long hours? It can be as dangerous as smoking, according to an expert on how to manage it effectively If you spend more than 9 to 10 hours sitting at your desk, your life may be at risk. Expert reveals what can be done to improve sedentary habits. Does your … Read more

Risk of heart disease and diabetes may be zero if you do it daily

Cardiac disease: If you live outdoors and visit places like parks, your heart health will remain better. It also reduces the risk of dangerous diseases like heart attacks and diabetes. A recent study showed that spending time in nature reduces the risk of heart disease and many chronic illnesses. This also reduces the swelling problem. … Read more

अब न सिर्फ धड़कन सुनेगा AI, बल्कि दिल का हाल भी बताएगा

आजकल हार्ट अटैक के मामले बहुत बढ़ रहे हैं, जिससे हर कोई चिंतित है. लेकिन, अब एक अच्छी खबर है. शोधकर्ताओं ने एक ऐसा AI उपकरण बनाया है जो हमारे दिल की धड़कन को समझकर बता सकता है कि कहीं उसमें कोई खतरा तो नहीं है. यह उपकरण 80% सही ढंग से यह पता लगा … Read more

सुबह, शाम या फिर दोपहर… क्या है ड्राई फ्रूट्स खाने का सही वक्त?

अच्छी सेहत हर कोई पाना चाहता है, इसके लिए लोग जिम जाते हैं, फ्रूटस खाते हैं. लेकिन बहुत कम लोग होते हैं, जो अपने आप को फीट रख पाते हैं. वहीं आप भी फीट रहना चाहते हैं, तो ये खबर आपके लिए है. वैसे तो बाजार में कई जूस, पाउडर, दवाइयां मिलती है, जिसका सेवन … Read more

Heart Health in Women: How Menopause Impacts Your Cardiovascular System? 7 Preventive Tips to Know

Home Health Heart Health in Women: How Menopause Impacts Your Cardiovascular System? 7 Preventive Tips to Know Women often face several health challenges post menopause. Sometimes one may develop certain heart complications. Experts speaks on few preventive measure women can adapt. Heart Health in Women: How Menopause Impacts Your Cardiovascular System? 7 Preventive Tips to … Read more

Heart Blockage: 5 Signs and Symptoms That Indicate of Cardiovascular Risks

Home Health Heart Blockage: 5 Signs and Symptoms That Indicate of Cardiovascular Risks Heart blockages puts the cardiovascular health at risk. Here are few signs and symptoms to watch out for . Heart attack cases are growing like wildfire. From a teenager to a fitness freak, death due to cardiac ailments is becoming a common … Read more

Heart Health: 5 Ayurveda Herbs to Naturally Unclog Arteries And Reduce Stroke Risk

Home Health Heart Health: 5 Ayurveda Herbs to Naturally Unclog Arteries And Reduce Stroke Risk Looking to improve heart health without relying solely on prescribed medicines? Here are a few ayurveda herbs that can naturally prevent clogged arteries and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Heart Health: 5 Ayurveda Herbs to Naturally Unclog … Read more