Even though the friend smokes a cigarette, you are also coming under wraps!

Even though the friend smokes a cigarette, you are also coming under wraps!

Cigarette Smoke For Heart: Today is World Heart Day. Every year this day is celebrated all over the world on 29th September. People are made aware about taking care of heart health. You must know that smoking is harmful to the heart and lungs, but do you know that living with a friend who smokes … Read more

Know how less sleep can increase the risk of heart attack?

Know how less sleep can increase the risk of heart attack?

Sleep Loss Can Increase Heart Disease: It has been proved in many studies that less sleep weakens the immune system. Consistently less sleep damages the stem cells of the immune system, which increases inflammatory disorders and heart-related diseases. A study has been done by the director of New York’s Cardiovascular Research Institute, research said that … Read more

Best Food for Heart: Include these things in the diet for a young heart, you will be protected from diseases

Best Food for Heart: Include these things in the diet for a young heart, you will be protected from diseases

Diet for Heart Health: If the heart is happy and healthy, then the whole world also looks happy. But if there is any kind of disease in the heart then it can be very fatal for you. Therefore it is very important to keep the heart safe and healthy. To keep the heart healthy, it … Read more

If the heart is to be healthy and cholesterol to be reduced, then keep these things in mind while exercising

If the heart is to be healthy and cholesterol to be reduced, then keep these things in mind while exercising

Yoga For Heart And Cholesterol: If the heart is healthy then the body will also be healthy. A good diet, healthy lifestyle and some exercise are essential to take care of heart health. To make the heart healthy, it is necessary to reduce cholesterol. For this, you should avoid low oil seasoning, outside food and … Read more

While buying oil from the market, check these things, know which oil is good for cooking

While buying oil from the market, check these things, know which oil is good for cooking

How To Choose Fats And Oils: In view of the increasing cases of heart diseases nowadays people have become alert about diet. Especially people like to cook food with less oil and in good oil. Consuming too much oil increases the amount of cholesterol in the body, which increases the risk of heart diseases. People … Read more

Too much ghee-oil should not spoil the game of heart, know why it is dangerous to eat more oil

Too much ghee-oil should not spoil the game of heart, know why it is dangerous to eat more oil

Oil For Heart: Oil is very dangerous for the heart. Eating too much oil increases cholesterol in the body. This is the reason why doctors nowadays recommend eating low-fat food. Refined carbohydrates included in the food are dangerous for the heart, whereas the cholesterol from the food i.e. dietary cholesterol is not that harmful for … Read more

This disturbance of the stomach gives signals of heart problem, these results found in research on 4.87 lakh people

This disturbance of the stomach gives signals of heart problem, these results found in research on 4.87 lakh people

Heart Problem: Raju Srivastava After his death, the discussion of heart diseases is in the headlines. By the way, every disease sends signals to the body, if a person becomes careful by understanding those signals, then the danger caused by diseases can be avoided. Heart is also one such organ which itself gives signals to … Read more

One out of every three people die of heart disease, WHO reports

One out of every three people die of heart disease, WHO reports

famous comedian Raju Srivastava (Raju Shrivastava) died of heart attack. Before this, many celebrities have lost their lives due to heart attack. Globally, the number of people who lost their lives due to heart disease is appalling. Doctors suggest that people improve their lifestyle, take special care of food and drink, but people forget to … Read more