Heart Attack: What to do in case of heart attack, know how to save patient’s life

Heart Attack: What to do in case of heart attack, know how to save patient’s life

Heart Attack Treatment: Nowadays people are getting a lot of heart related diseases. However, there is a big difference between a heart attack or other heart-related diseases like cardiac arrest. If a heart attack patient gets timely treatment, then the patient’s life can be saved. It takes about 45 minutes to save the patient. If … Read more

To make the heart healthy and strong, then know how to diet

To make the heart healthy and strong, then know how to diet

Food For Heart: Nowadays problems like heart attack and stroke are increasing a lot. Doctors are telling a big reason for these diseases to our lifestyle. Health-related problems start due to carelessness in eating and drinking. Sometimes it has to face dire consequences. If you eat too much unbalanced food, then cholesterol starts increasing. Due … Read more

These people are most at risk of heart attack, do you have these habits?

These people are most at risk of heart attack, do you have these habits?

Habits Increased Risk Of Heart Attack: Nowadays, the disease of Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest is happening the most among young people. Doctors believe that the big reason behind this is our lifestyle and personality. Habits like obesity, increased blood pressure, stress, increased cholesterol and smoking are also increasing the risk of heart attack. At … Read more

If you want to avoid heart attack, then definitely adopt these habits in the routine.

If you want to avoid heart attack, then definitely adopt these habits in the routine.

How To Prevent Heart Attack: Heart attack is becoming such a disease in which many times there is no time to even think and understand and a person loses the battle of life. How to prevent heart attack even before the attack? What lifestyle should be maintained to keep heart disease under control? And by … Read more

Why heart attack comes, know the causes and prevention of heart attack

Why heart attack comes, know the causes and prevention of heart attack

What Triggers Heartattack: Heart attack is the most dangerous disease nowadays. Being completely healthy, people are becoming victims of heart at a very young age. Bollywood singer Krishna Kumar Kunnath, who is known by the name of KK, has also died due to heart attack. On Tuesday night, 53-year-old KK died of a heart attack. … Read more

Follow these simple tips to avoid deadly diseases like heart attack and high cholesterol

Follow these simple tips to avoid deadly diseases like heart attack and high cholesterol

Heart Attack And High Cholesterol: Heart attack and high cholesterol are two such deadly diseases, which mainly start taking hold of the body only after the age of 40. We are saying this because when you will see the effect of these diseases and at what age their symptoms will appear, it depends on your … Read more

Important things you must know about cholesterol

Important things you must know about cholesterol

What Is Cholesterol : Cholesterol is a waxy substance found inside the blood. The body also needs it to keep the cells healthy and for the formation of new cells. But when the level of cholesterol increases, it becomes the cause of heart disease. Due to high cholesterol, fatty deposits develop in the blood vessels, … Read more

8 surefire benefits of eating garlic, keeps the body away from dangerous diseases

8 surefire benefits of eating garlic, keeps the body away from dangerous diseases

Benefits of Garlic: Eating garlic is very beneficial for the body. Eating garlic increases the body’s immunity and prevents many dangerous diseases. Garlic contains medicinal elements with anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral. Cholesterol is reduced by eating garlic, which keeps the heart healthy. It also helps in controlling diabetes. Garlic protects against many types of infections. Know … Read more