These diseases can surround the body due to high blood pressure, recognize the symptoms

These diseases can surround the body due to high blood pressure, recognize the symptoms

High Blood Pressure Risks: Staying high BP is a common problem in today’s time. In most people, this problem takes hold between the age of 35 to 40 years. However, due to the increasing work pressure and other social pressures, now young people are also falling prey to this disease. High BP is not only … Read more

Heart attack will not come by drinking this juice, will clean the blood and make the heart strong

Heart attack will not come by drinking this juice, will clean the blood and make the heart strong

Juice For Heart Patient: In today’s lifestyle, due to habits like adulterated food, less workout, stress and smoking-drinking, heart related diseases are bothering people more. A heart attack occurs when blood clots form in the arteries. Maintaining proper blood flow in the body is essential to avoid heart attack. By making changes in diet and … Read more

How is congestive heart failure treated and what are its causes? – GoMedii

How is congestive heart failure treated and what are its causes?  – GoMedii

Congestive heart failure is a condition in which a patient’s heart beats at a slow rate. When this happens, our heart does not get the necessary blood, due to which the heart is not able to pump at normal speed. In this condition, most people are at risk of heart attack and congestive heart failure. … Read more

To make the heart healthy and strong, then do this exercise daily

To make the heart healthy and strong, then do this exercise daily

Heart Health: To make the heart healthy and strong, then do this exercise daily. Source link

Resistance Training Boosts Longevity

Resistance Training Boosts Longevity

Recent studies suggest that resistance training can prolong your life. An analysis published in British Journal of Sports Medicine found that people who spent 30 to 60 minutes of strength training each week had a 40% lower risk of premature death, a 46% lower risk of heart disease, and a 28% lower risk of dying … Read more

Garlic should be a part of your daily diet, here are 5 important reasons

Garlic should be a part of your daily diet, here are 5 important reasons

Benefits Of Garlic: Everyone likes the taste of garlic, whether they like its smell or not. Yes, it is a bit difficult to face bad breath after eating it, but there are many easy home remedies to get rid of it. Therefore, the consumption of garlic should not be stopped just because of the fear … Read more