The heatwave in May broke all records, a degree and a half more than in other years.

India experienced extreme heat in May 2024, with maximum and minimum temperatures frequently exceeding limits. During the last week of May, particularly between May 26 and 29, a period of intense heat was observed in northern and central India. In which the record temperature in New Delhi had reached 49.1 degrees Celsius. The heatwave much … Read more

How Heatwave Affects Heart Patients? 5 Ways to Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

Home Lifestyle How does the heat wave affect heart patients? Five ways to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease The rising heat wave in Delhi-NCR has also affected health. This is how extreme temperature can affect heart patients. How does the heat wave affect heart patients? Five ways to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease … Read more

If you stay hungry for too long in summer, you will fall victim to these diseases, liver and kidney damage.

With prolonged hunger in summer, the risk of heat stroke increases significantly. According to a report published by the American Heart Association, if you eat at intervals of 8 hours a day, the risk of heart attack is very high. The risk of heart attack is doubled. If you are hungry for a long time … Read more

Can Heatwave Worsen Arthritis? 5 Ways to Alleviate Joint Pain in Summer

Home Lifestyle Can heat waves make arthritis worse? 5 ways to relieve joint pain in summer Does your joint pain increase with increasing temperature? Here’s why arthritis can increase in summer and how to manage it. Can heat waves make arthritis worse? 5 Ways to Relieve Joint Pain in Summer Can Heat Wave Worse Arthritis? … Read more

Explained: How Extreme Heat Can Affect Your Mental Health

During heat waves, hospital admissions for mental health problems increase. The past 10 years have been the hottest on record, and as we prepare for another scorching summer, it’s time to take steps to increase our preparedness for extreme heat. The potential for heat stress, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke is well known. dangers of … Read more

What is Eye Stroke? Symptoms to Prevention All You Need to Know

Home Health What is stroke? From symptoms to prevention Everything you need to know Stroke is a relatively common health problem that people can face during a heat wave. Below we present some signs and symptoms to identify it and take the necessary measures. Heat wave Alerts have been issued in some states in India. … Read more

How dangerous is the heatwave for the elderly, what to give to eat and drink so that they do not feel hot?

Heat wave:Currently, heat is wreaking havoc in its extreme form in the northern states of the country. People are in bad condition because of the scorching sun and humidity. In such a situation, many people fall ill due to the heatwave. The mercury is above 45. States like Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Haryana are … Read more

There is cold in the air conditioning and heat in the cooler-fan, so how can we protect the elderly from heatstroke?

Heat stroke in the elderly : The extreme heat this time made everyone’s condition miserable. The temperature in many places is around 45 degrees Celsius, worrying people of all ages. Everyone needs to be especially careful. Especially elderly people. Those who feel cold in air conditioning and hot in a cooler fan. In such a … Read more