Include cumin in the daily diet… magic will be visible in the body

Health Benefits of Cumin in Diet: Cumin works to add tempering to lentils, vegetables or any food. But do you know that cumin not only adds tempering, but if you eat cumin properly, it also prevents diseases of your body. Not only this, if you eat cumin seeds daily, it will do magic on your … Read more

Want to look beautiful in wedding season, want to stay healthy, then follow these 5 effective tips

As the wedding season celebration is going on. Everyone is engaged in different kinds of efforts. These days the biggest challenge is to keep ourselves healthy and beautiful. Because neither one wants to fall sick during the wedding season nor does one want to face skin problems (oily skin, dry skin, pimples etc.). We feel … Read more

Family will be saved from infectious diseases… Take care of the hygiene of these 6 places in the kitchen, they thrive here

Infectious Diseases Prevention Tips: Kitchen is the heart of the house. Just as the heart must be healthy for the body to survive, in the same way, it is very important for the kitchen to be healthy for all the people of the house and family to be healthy. Getting the kitchen right doesn’t mean … Read more

Does fast food really harm the body? Know how much truth and how much lie

Fastfood Cravings: Tasty is fast food or say that fast food is very tasty. Because on seeing this it becomes difficult to control your cravings. By not saying hunger, we are saying craving because on seeing fast food, those people also break down on it, whose stomach is already full and there is no hunger … Read more

Skipping is the cheapest and least space exercise, know its benefits

Best Time For Skipping: Every person works in their own way for fitness. From walking to yoga and going to the gym, it is important to take time out for a variety of activities, so that you can remove the extra fat that accumulates on your body. If there is no park and gym facility … Read more

Any hot drink should not be drunk after eating these three things

Unhealthy Food: Since the arrival of Kovid, most people while eating food take care that they eat healthy food. But even after this, they often become ill or many health-related problems persist. This happens because the intention of eating all the healthy food is good, but unknowingly people do such things, due to which the … Read more

What are antioxidants and why are they necessary for the body?

Antioxidants Benefits: You must have heard a lot about antioxidants. Doctors and health experts often suggest eating such food, which is rich in antioxidants (Antioxidants Rich Diet). In such a situation, the question must have come in your mind that what are these antioxidants and why are they beneficial for our body? Also, which food … Read more

Follow these simple tips to avoid deadly diseases like heart attack and high cholesterol

Heart Attack And High Cholesterol: Heart attack and high cholesterol are two such deadly diseases, which mainly start taking hold of the body only after the age of 40. We are saying this because when you will see the effect of these diseases and at what age their symptoms will appear, it depends on your … Read more