Marriage between close relatives is very dangerous for pregnancy, it can affect children.

Marriage between close relatives is very dangerous for pregnancy, it can affect children.

Doctors have warned against marriage between family members. The risk of developing many types of genetic diseases increases. That is why doctors refuse to marry relatives. It has been proven in many researches that marriage within the same blood relation can cause anemia in the body, difficulty breathing, irritability and the body can turn pale … Read more

If there is a deficiency of B12 in the body, the symptoms appear like this, do you know what the level should be in a healthy person?

If there is a deficiency of B12 in the body, the symptoms appear like this, do you know what the level should be in a healthy person?

If there is a deficiency of B12 in the body, the symptoms appear like this, do you know what the level should be in a healthy person? Source link

Iron to Vitamin C, 7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Impact Your Mood

Iron to Vitamin C, 7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Impact Your Mood

Home Health Iron to Vitamin C, 7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Impact Your Mood Eating right doesn’t only help the body, it greatly affects mental health too. Read on to know the connection between food deficiencies and mood swings. Iron to Vitamin C, 7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Impact Your Mood Mood disorders have a … Read more

Feeling Sad, Demotivated, Neglected At Workplace? Then You Must Read This

Feeling Sad, Demotivated, Neglected At Workplace? Then You Must Read This

Depression in the workplace: All of you must have felt sadness and despair at some point while working. Maybe you’ve even had to cry at some point. But there are many people in the world who face these problems on a regular basis. They feel sadness, anxiety, lack of motivation and cry in the workplace … Read more

Troubled by the problem of irritability and do not know the reason, get rid of it like this

Troubled by the problem of irritability and do not know the reason, get rid of it like this

Mental Health And Irritability: Irritability is a mental problem. Whenever there is any irritability in us or our family, other family members also turn to get angry or ignore them. This happens because most people do not understand that if a person is behaving like this continuously then he needs proper treatment and care and … Read more