Get glowing skin with beetroot, learn how to use

Get glowing skin with beetroot, learn how to use

Beetroot For Skin: Nowadays everyone takes special care of their skin. Women are very conscious about their skin. Women use many beauty products to get glowing skin, but despite all this, their skin does not make any difference. Rather, many times it happens that, they use chemical mixed products, which affects their skin. In such … Read more

What should be the platelet count of a normal person? Learn ways to increase

What should be the platelet count of a normal person?  Learn ways to increase

Platelets Count: With the change of season, the chances of getting many types of diseases increase. These diseases include dengue, chikungunya and malaria. These days the cases of dengue are increasing continuously in the country. In dengue fever, the platelet count of a person becomes very low. Apart from this, platelet count can also be … Read more

Dengue Fever Diet: What To Eat In Dengue? Learn right advice from dietician

Dengue Fever Diet: What To Eat In Dengue?  Learn right advice from dietician

Dengue Fever Diet: In the changing season, there is a risk of getting many types of diseases. In the month of September-October, the risk of dengue and malaria is very high. These days the cases of dengue are increasing continuously. Dengue is spread by the bite of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. In dengue fever, the … Read more

Weight loss is now easy, include this flour bread in the diet, learn how to eat

Weight loss is now easy, include this flour bread in the diet, learn how to eat

Weight Loss Roti: If you have gained a lot of weight. Every day new measures are not working, so it is not as difficult as you are thinking. To lose weight, you just have to change your flour. From today itself, start eating millet flour roti. This will reduce your weight instantly. There is no … Read more

Tea Facts: How many times should one drink tea in a day? Learn from Experts

Tea Facts: How many times should one drink tea in a day?  Learn from Experts

Tea Side Effects: Most people start the morning with a cup of tea. 1 cup of tea in the morning can give rise to many of your problems, but many of us start consuming not 1-2 but many cups of tea throughout the day. Many people find an excuse to drink tea. But do you … Read more

Do not tolerate hunger to be thin, rather manage it, learn the method of hunger management

Do not tolerate hunger to be thin, rather manage it, learn the method of hunger management

How to control weight without dieting: Navratri is about to come and there is a long group of people who have thought that with the fasting of Navratri, they will start the mission of controlling their weight. This happens every time, every 6 months, when Navratri is about to come, then people do so much … Read more

Along with removing stress, you can do Garudasana for many more benefits, learn how to do it

Along with removing stress, you can do Garudasana for many more benefits, learn how to do it

Garudasana Benefits: There are yoga exercises for different parts of the body, due to which you can easily get relief in any disease, stress or pain. Today we are going to introduce you to such a posture, Garudasana, about which you may have heard or seen but have not paid attention. Let us tell you … Read more

Learn about the causes, prevention and treatment of arthritis

Learn about the causes, prevention and treatment of arthritis

Tips To Control Arthritis: Arthritis is a major cause of joint pain in the body. Till a few years ago or say a decade ago, this problem used to start after the age of 55 to 60 years. Whereas in today’s time people of 35 to 40 years of age have started seeing Arthritis Symptoms. … Read more