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Health Live 28 Mar, 06:05 PM (IST) भिंडी के पानी के फायदे क्या होते है ? | Health Live Source link

पॉपकॉर्न ब्रेन से आपका क्या तात्पर्य है?| पॉपकॉर्न ब्रेन | health live

<p>क्या आपका दिमाग बार-बार एक काम से दूसरे काम पर स्विच करता रहता है?<br />क्या आप बेचैनी महसूस करते हैं?<br />क्या आपका दिमाग अतिसक्रिय महसूस करता है?</p> Source link

रक्षाबंधन पर मिठाइयां कर सकती हैं बीमार, खाइए मगर इन बातों का ध्यान रखकर

Rakshabandhan 2023: रक्षाबंधन एक ऐसा त्योहार है जहां परिवार और रिश्तेदार साथ में मिलकर समय बिताते हैं. कोई भी त्यौहार मिठास के बिना अधूरा होता है. फिर रक्षाबंधन का त्यौहार भाइयों को राखी बांधने के साथ ही साथ उनके पसंद की मिठाइयों को खिलाने का भी त्यौहार है. रक्षाबंधन के त्यौहार में बाजार मिठाइयों से … Read more

After kidney transplant, you have to keep these things in mind, one mistake and it’s all over!

Lalu Yadav’s kidney transplant: RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav was battling health problems for some time. Recently he had a kidney transplant operation. It was successful. His elder daughter Rohini Acharya donated a kidney to Lalu Yadav. After kidney transplantation, both the donor and the recipient have to take special care of themselves. A little … Read more

Dealing with the mental health impact of psoriasis

For anyone with psoriasis, the skin condition that affects the lives of at least 100 million adults and children worldwide, physical care takes on a larger role. Regular doctor visits, consistent skin care, good nutrition, and not smoking: A healthy lifestyle is key to preventing more red skin patches, more itchiness, and more social awkwardness. … Read more

Do these questions run in your mind if periods are late?

Women’s Health: No woman or girl likes to have periods, no one likes to go through abdominal pain, back pain, irritability and heavy flow, but in spite of all this, if periods get delayed in a single month Then see what doesn’t work in the mind of girls. Has this happened to you too? Let … Read more

Mental health labels may be doing more harm than good – here’s why

Louis Weinstock, a psychotherapist, recalls how a teenage girl with acute mental health problems, including self-harm and suicidal thoughts, confided to him that she had begun to question whether or not her suffering was real. She had seen so many of her friends post about their “anxiety” and “depression” that “she felt like she wasn’t … Read more

Desi ghee is the home remedy for these 10 diseases, remove the fear of obesity from your mind

Ghee in Thyroid: Ghee is rich in healthy fats. You can also call them good fats. This is the reason that consumption of ghee does not increase the level of bad cholesterol, but increases the flexibility and strength of nerves. Therefore, to keep the heart healthy, it is advised to eat desi ghee, especially cow’s … Read more