प्रोटीन का खजाना है ये फल, इसे खाकर आप आसानी से बना सकते हैं मसल्स

High Protein Fruit : शरीर के विकास में प्रोटीन का अहम रोल होता है. प्रोटीन मसल्स ग्रोथ करने के साथ उसे रिपेयर करने का काम करती है. हड्डियों को मजबूत बनाने और दांत, बाल, त्वचा के लिए प्रोटीन काम आता है. अगर शरीर में प्रोटीन की कमी हो जाए तो थकान और कमजोरी आ सकती है, … Read more

Health will remain fit, include these superfoods in your diet from today itself.

Best Superfoods: To keep yourself fit in the winter season, it is most important to pay maximum attention to your diet. Today we will tell you some such superfoods which always keep your health fit. Superfoods are packed with vitamins beneficial for our entire body. These gems affect our overall health and can be used … Read more

The secret of the health of the muscles is related to the liver, if you want to stay fit then definitely do this work

Healthy Liver: Liver plays an important role in digesting food. If the liver gets disturbed even a little, then there is a problem in digesting the food. Due to problems in the liver, many other problems start happening in the body. Jaundice occurs when the liver is deficient. There are many symptoms of jaundice. But … Read more

How to get rid of joint pain and muscles in winter

Joint Pain In Winter: There is fun in the winter season, but this season is very difficult for children and old people. Especially for the elderly, many types of health related problems start in this season like joint pain, muscle cramps. According to Dr. Rohit Chakor, Consultant Orthopedic Joint Replacement and Arthroscopy Surgeon, Apollo Clinic, … Read more

Muscles always remember stretching and training, so always remember some things when you get hurt

Mental Health: You have hardly heard about Muscle Memory. Today we are going to explain to you in detail about muscle memory, how it works in our body and what is its important contribution. In fact, once a person knows how to ride a bicycle, ride a bike, play cricket or play basketball, then he … Read more

Here’s How to Work Out Muscle Knots, According to an Exercise Physiologist

Imagine you just completed a tough upper body workout. Your muscles feel a bit tired, but overall, you can get through the rest of the day with no problem. The next morning, you wake up to find that the back of your shoulder blade feels stiff. When you rub your shoulder muscles, it feels like … Read more

Commentary: Why S’poreans need to bone up on muscle wellness, as more become caregivers to loved ones

As Singaporeans live longer, millennials and older adults have to adjust to a changing role: becoming caregivers for their aging parents and family members. The saying goes: “To take care of others, start by taking care of yourself”. This is especially true for those of us who have to juggle caring for elderly parents and … Read more