Why does pressing hands, feet and head stop pain, know the reason

Why does pressing hands, feet and head stop pain, know the reason

Applying Pressure Relieve Pain: Often you must have seen that pressing on the arm, leg or head gives relief in pain. Many times someone must have pressed your head and many times you must have pressed the hands and feet of your people. Pressing gives instant relief in pain, but have you thought why pressing … Read more

Lose weight by sitting with acupressure, by pressing these points, obesity is reduced

Lose weight by sitting with acupressure, by pressing these points, obesity is reduced

Acupressure Points For Weight Loss: So far you must have heard of acupressure reducing pain or curing some diseases, but today we are telling you that acupressure can also reduce your weight. Acupressure is a complementary therapy, by which you can reduce obesity. You can do acupressure by yourself. In this, certain points have to … Read more