From weight loss to increasing muscle mass, protein has many benefits, take protein rich diet like this

From weight loss to increasing muscle mass, protein has many benefits, take protein rich diet like this

Add Protein In Your Diet: When it comes to protein, the first thing that comes to mind is the athlete or bodybuilder. It seems that protein is necessary only for these people but it is not the truth. The truth is that protein is necessary for everyone and if you are thinking of losing weight … Read more

Lazy Keto Diet: What It Is, Who Should Do It & What To Eat On It

Lazy Keto Diet: What It Is, Who Should Do It & What To Eat On It

While this approach will reduce your carb intake and could lead to increased ketosis and weight loss, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy. “You may be cheating yourself out of important nutrients (such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber) that play crucial roles in metabolic, neurological, and hormonal balance,” says Brownlow. It also emphasizes that “There … Read more

Defective protein is the root of this disease, can give a shock to the heart

Defective protein is the root of this disease, can give a shock to the heart

Heart Problem: Due to poor lifestyle, diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity are taking place at home. Heart disease is also closely related to these. Famous comedian with heart attack in last two years Raju Srivastava Including many celebrities have lost their lives. But is lifestyle alone responsible for weakening the heart or for … Read more

The keto diet and mental health: how closely should the food industry watch this trend?

The keto diet and mental health: how closely should the food industry watch this trend?

The ketogenic diet is high in fat, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates. Ketogenic diets cause the body to produce ketones, which are used as an alternative fuel when blood sugar levels are low. Ketones are produced in the liver from fat, which makes the ketogenic diet a popular weight loss method. Evidence is … Read more

If this protein is not digested, then wheat bread will also spoil the health, then what to eat

If this protein is not digested, then wheat bread will also spoil the health, then what to eat

Most of the people in India use wheat as food grain. Wheat bread is definitely needed in the morning, afternoon and evening. If you do not get wheat bread, your stomach will not be filled. Rice or other food grains compensate to some extent but without roti, the plate is not decorated. What to do … Read more

The creator of the ‘longevity’ diet plans on living until he’s 120. So how does it work?

The creator of the ‘longevity’ diet plans on living until he’s 120. So how does it work?

You may have heard of the longevity dietand its promise of long life, but what exactly is it and is it different from other diets that promote good health? The Longevity Diet is a set of dietary recommendations compiled by a biochemist named Valter Longo, director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern … Read more

There’s more to working out than just building muscle – it’s good for your brain, too

There’s more to working out than just building muscle – it’s good for your brain, too

Now that Canada’s all-too-brief beach season has come to an end once again, you might be tempted to shove the dumbbells to the back of the closet: ditch the vanity, forget the bulging muscles, and focus instead on aerobic fitness. of the whole body. that is so closely related to health and longevity. But a … Read more

This meat element is found in abundance from veg food, it is very important for physical growth.

This meat element is found in abundance from veg food, it is very important for physical growth.

Protein Rich Best Veg and Non-Veg Food: Meat element is very important for physical growth because it is needed in the formation of everything from nails to skin, muscles, bones and hair. Meat element does not mean non-veg at all, but it can be obtained from both non-veg and veg foods. Know here what is … Read more