रोटी या चावल? वेट लॉस में क्या खाएं, क्या नहीं…. आज दूर कर लें अपना कंफ्यूजन!

रोटी या चावल? वेट लॉस में क्या खाएं, क्या नहीं…. आज दूर कर लें अपना कंफ्यूजन!

Weight Loss Tips : रोटी और चावल हमारे भोजन का अहम हिस्सा है. बिना इन दोनों के खाना अधूरा माना जाता है. हालांकि, लंबे समय से ये भी बहस चली आ रही है कि रोटी या चावल में से कौन ज्यादा बेहतर है. किसे खाने से शरीर को ज्यादा ऊर्जा मिलती है और वजन कम (Weight … Read more

वजन घटाने और हेल्थ के लिए कौन सा चावल है बेस्ट, जानिए

वजन घटाने और हेल्थ के लिए कौन सा चावल है बेस्ट, जानिए

<p style="text-align: justify;">खराब लाइफस्टाइल (Lifestyle) और खानपान के बीच खुद के वजन को कंट्रोल रखना ही बेहद महत्वपूर्ण है. ऐसे में कई लोग व्हाइट चावल न खाकर दोपहर के खाने में ब्राउन चावल ही खाते हैं. ब्राउन चावल में व्हाइट चावल की तुलना में अधिक फाइबर, पोषक तत्व से भरपूर होते हैं. बढ़ता वजन यानी … Read more

Roti or rice… what is the best option to lose weight? Expert answered

Roti or rice… what is the best option to lose weight?  Expert answered

Experts say, “It is very important to take care of the quantity of rice or roti you are eating. If you eat a plate full of rice, it will be equal to about 7-8 rotis and this will lead to weight gain. Whatever you Eat wheat bread or whatever type of rice you eat, it … Read more

rice or roti which one is more beneficial in weight loss

rice or roti which one is more beneficial in weight loss

Nowadays everyone takes special care of their health and weight keeping in mind their bad lifestyle. In this context, people also take special care of their diet. Whereas some people go to the gym. People who do not have time to go to the gym take special care of their diet. On the other hand, … Read more

Will eating less bread really make you thinner? Know what is the real truth

Will eating less bread really make you thinner?  Know what is the real truth

Weight Loss Tips: If there is no roti in our food, then the food seems incomplete. Because without bread your stomach will also remain empty. But some people eat less roti thinking that their weight may not increase, or their stomach may not go away. But is it completely true or is it just your … Read more

Will eating less bread really make you thinner? Know what is the real truth

Will eating less bread really make you thinner?  Know what is the real truth

Weight Loss Tips: If there is no roti in our food, then the food seems incomplete. Because without bread your stomach will also remain empty. But some people eat less roti thinking that their weight may not increase, or their stomach may not go away. But is it completely true or is it just your … Read more

Weight Loss: 3 Myths You Should Know When Losing Those Extra Kilos

Weight Loss: 3 Myths You Should Know When Losing Those Extra Kilos

Weight Loss Myths: No matter what you do, including starving yourself and following fad diets, the scale does not change. However, people often succumb to certain weight loss misconceptions in their never-ending battle to lose weight. Weight loss requires strict diets, calorie counting, exercise programs, regular sleep schedules, elimination of harmful foods, and other measures.Also … Read more