In the year 2022, these stars of the entertainment world got heart attack and became silent forever.

Celebrity Died Of Heart Attack:We are going to say goodbye to the year 2022 soon. With this we are about to step into the year 2023. This year has been very difficult for some people. Many big names from TV industry to film industry said goodbye to the world due to heart attack. Most of … Read more

If there is pain while sitting or walking in winter, then it can be a sign of this ‘silent killer’ disease.

Pain Due To High Cholesterol: Due to busy lifestyle and hectic work schedule, today people are facing many diseases. Where once diseases like blood pressure and cholesterol were considered very serious, now these diseases have become very common among people. Due to this, today people are suffering from serious heart diseases. High cholesterol is also … Read more

This cancer is silent killer, get tested as soon as you see symptoms

Cancer Treatment: There are two types of tumors (lumps) in the body. One cancerous and the other non cancerous. The cells grow uncontrollably and form a tumor. It is only after doing its biopsy that it can be identified whether it is a cancerous lump or a non-cancerous one. It can happen anywhere in the … Read more

How to identify silent heart attack, know how to prevent it

Silent Heart Attack: Many times people get silent heart attack, which they are not even able to identify. People ignore the problem of mild chest pain or sudden shortness of breath as a simple matter. According to a study, about 45 percent of people do not have any symptoms of heart attack. Such a condition … Read more